Part 2

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The next day is even slower than the one before, so Agatha leaves me to run the shop by myself while she gets her nails done with Penny.

At exactly 10 o'clock he strides in, I know it's 10 because he's the first customer in two hours and I'm literally staring at a clock. I honestly just want to hide right now.

Unfortunately he doesn't just sit at a table today, he walks right up to me.

"Hi, welcome to Wellbelove's what can I get you today?" I say plastering on a fake cheery attitude.

"2 pumpkin mocha breves and a sour cherry scone."

"Is that all?"


"Ok,that'll be 8.50."

He hands me a ten, pulls up a stool and sits
right across from me.
"The uh, Seats are supposed to be over there.." I mumble.

"I know." He says flashing me a grin, what the hell is up with this dude?
I make his drinks as slow as possible, because he doesn't seem like he's taking this stuff to go and I'm not so sure I want to sit here and make awkward conversation with the dude I have a crush on.

But alas his drinks are done so I grab his scone and set his order in front of him. He takes a drink and pushes the rest back to me.

"Uh isn't this what you ordered?"

He nods his head yes. I'm looking at him completely and utterly confused, so I guess he decides to let me in on whatever the hell he's plotting.

"I brought you a drink and a scone."
He says it like it's common knowledge and I'm a dumbass.


"What are you, dense? Because I think you're stunning."

He's trying to win my affection by calling me dense, prick.

"But you told me to forget you said I was cute."

"Because yesterday was all wrong, I was supposed to come here and buy you a drink. But instead, I forgot my wallet at home. I didn't want to give you the wrong impression of me. So I decided to come back today and try again."


"Sorry is this rude, I'm supposed to ask aren't I?"


"Simon Snow, would you have a drink with me?"

Before I can even muster up a response Penelope and Agatha walk into the shop.
"Hi, Simon." they both say not looking up from their phones both giggling at something.

"He-y," I try to say it calmly but my voice cracks.

They both look up "Oh! Hi Baz," Agatha says smiling.

"Good day Basilton," Penelope says tilting an imaginary top hat.

"Good morning ladies," he says back with a nod.
He doesn't take his eyes off of me though.

I can feel Agatha and Penny grinning without even looking at them.

"Wellllll, Pen and I just came back here to let you know your shift is up early, so you can go home, or you know... out?" She says with a grin.

"I Uh what!"
I mumble but before I can get an answer there in the staff door with shit-eating grins sprawled across their faces.

"So Snow, would you like to go out?"
I don't know what to say or do, both of my 'wing-woman' left me high and dry.

"I have to uh, study?"

"Alright then,"

When he gets up and walks to the door, to leave like I've been trying to get him to do, I find myself sulking at the idea of him going.

Which is absolutely irrational.

He's standing at the door, holding it open.
"Aren't you coming, Snow?"

"Wha- I, what?"

"You said you wanted to study," he says rolling his eyes, "we're going to study."

"Oh," I mumble, but I still don't move.
He's looking at me expectantly.

"OH," I grab my keys and phone, shed my apron and head out the door.
He's shaking his head smirking when I walk past him.
What the hell is happening?

I've dragged Simon bloody Snow on a date with me, and it's slightly clear that he doesn't want to be here. I'm not sure if it's because of me being me or me being a guy, but I'm not giving up just yet.

"Snow..." I start.

"How do you even know me?" He asks cutting me off.

"We have a class together..... English Lit,"

"Oh.. you knew that?"





We're talking for a bit and we pass the library. He finally asks me,

"Where are we, uh going?"

"To my apartment."


"To study..."

"But you're a uh, stranger."
I turn around and stare at him.

"I know Wellbelove, I'm familiar with Bunce. If you truly don't trust me you can dial on of them and check my credibility."

He looks at me but doesn't dial anyone.

We get all the way to my apartment door before he even says anything else.


"Yes, Snow."

"I didn't... I didn't have to study. I just said that because I thought you'd leave."

Fuck. I read him all wrong.

"Ok, then. Well, I'll see you around I guess."

"Where are you going."
This bloke is dense.

"To my apartment."

"But I thought we were going together."

" just said you didn't want to study, you just said you were trying to get rid of me."


"I didn't mean it like that, well I did. But?"

"It's fine Snow, I get it you don't like me."

"No! I mean yes. Look I'm not gay, well wasn't."


"But I've come to the realization that I have a slight crush on you."


"I just mean, well I wasn't gay. I like girls. But, you're prettier than any girl I've ever seen. I mean, you're . Fuck. She thinks I like you? I'm not sure. I think it's a crush. Or I don't know. I-I've never thought a bloke was pretty before. I've never-"

"Do you want to hang out, Snow?" I ask grinning. Because this boy's a wonderful disaster. And if I don't cut him off he'll go on forever.


"Yeah. Have you never hung out with someone before?"

"No- I have but- do you mean as friends... or as something else."

"Are you asking if this is a date, Snow?"


"Well, what do you want it to be?"

"I don't know."

"Well let's call it a hangout. It means whatever you want."

This is most certainly a date.


Simon Snow, would you have a drink with me?Where stories live. Discover now