Part 1

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character A: hey, so you've been waiting here for a while and I feel really bad that you got stood up by your date so here's a free dessert.

character B: wow, um, how do I say this? I didn't have a date, I just thought you were really cute, but I forgot my wallet at home and couldn't order anything.

Baz. His name is Baz. Well, technically it's Tyrannus Basiltion Grimm Pitch. I learned to pronounce it correctly from Penelope because I hear him get frustrated with the professor whenever he gets it wrong. And if there's ever a scenario where I need to pronounce his name I wanna get it right. I know what your thinking, and NO I am not a stalker. I just have English with Baz and I sit right behind him. And he's really freaking beautiful.

Anyways my Saturday is going fine when the handsome bloke walks in. When I hear the door chime I jump up, because business is slow today and I'm bored out of my mind, but he just sits down. Doesn't order anything, just sits at a table for two. He's there for a solid 15 minutes when Agatha comes up behind me.

"Simon, why are you starting at Baz?"

"I'm not starting" I reply in a hushed tone.

"Um yeah you ar- ohhhh i see.."

"See what?"
"You like him, don't you?"

"No ags, just because I don't have a girlfriend doesn't mean I'm gay."

I walk away from her, because even though I love Agatha she can be irritating at times. I glance at Baz and he's upset.

He looks up at me, and before I get the chance to pretend I wasn't just staring he smiles at me. His smile is so perfect, my insides melt (In the most platonic way possible).

I smile back without even meaning to, it's just... how else could you respond to that?

"Simon," Agatha whispers once I snap out of my haze.


"Siiiimonnnnn I just saw that entire exchange and let me just say. I. Ship. It. Look he's just sitting all alone he's obviously been stood up, now you just need to swoop in and save the day."

Before I even get the chance to object she's shoving a dish into my hand and pushing me towards Baz. I start to turn back but can't because I'm in the middle of the room standing awkwardly, and I know Baz has seen me. So I do the dumbest thing imaginable, I walk toward him.

Only when I'm standing in front of Baz does it dawn on me that, he didn't order this fucking scone and there's no reason for me to be here. He's looking up at me expectantly. Shit. Shit. Shit.

Think Simon think.

"Um...hey, so you've been waiting here for a while and I feel really bad that you got stood up by your date so here's a free dessert."

Wow reallll smooth.

I think as I mentally roll my eyes at myself. He just looks up at me and grins.

"Wow, um, how do I say this? I didn't have a date, I just think you're really cute, but I forgot my wallet at home and couldn't order anything."

"Oh." What the hell, he thinks I'm cute? The most gorgeous man in the world thinks I'm cute?

What the fuck?

But then he's shaking his head.
"No, you know what, forget I said that." and he's up and out of the door. What. The. Hell.

I make my way back to Aggie sulking.

"What happened Si?"

"He said I was cute."

"See I-"
"But then he shook his head and took it back." I mumble cutting her off.

"Oh." She rubs my back while I shove the sour cherry scone into my mouth.


"Yes sweetheart,"

"I think I have a crush on Baz," She giggles then goes, "Nooo way!" With so much sarcasm that I glare at her and slump into a chair.

"I think I'll take break."


Simon Snow, would you have a drink with me?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon