"I know."

"Ich liebe dich." He blew her a kiss as he stepped out and closed the door. She stared at the door for a moment, this was getting harder and harder. She had to speak to Stephen, the sooner she got things over with, the better.


"I loved every minute of this weekend." Annukka said, leaning in towards Chloe so that she could be heard. "This place has just been amazing, it's been one long party here."

"Yeah, they do a good job." Chloe replied, sounding a little vacant, her mind very much elsewhere.

"All the music and the colour, they really celebrate F1 here and look at how packed the stadium section is."

"It's definitely more packed than when I was here for the ROC." Chloe agreed, looking at the view on the screen before pulling her phone out of her pocket.

"You expecting a call?" Annukka asked as she noticed Chloe check her phone yet again.

"Erm....no, I just thought I felt it vibrate." She lied. Stephen still hadn't text back, she still wasn't sure if he was even here. Glancing up at the screen she noticed how Seb was now leading the race after Charles had pitted. So far, so good.

"You're ok though, aren't you?"

"I'm fine." She slid her phone back into her pocket.

"Only at times today you've looked miles away."

"I'm just a bit tired, that's all."

"Well, if you ever need to talk, I'm here." Annukka patted Chloe's shoulder.

"Thanks." She gave Annukka a brief smile, wishing that she could tell her what was really on her mind and fixed her gaze on the screen showing the view from the camera mounted on Lina, just above Seb's head. She was willing him to do well today, if he made an error or just wasn't as quick then she'd be blaming herself for keeping him up into the early hours. After a while, and being aware that Chloe had still been checking her phone while looking troubled by something, Annukka decided to speak again.

"Are you sure you're ok?"

"I'm fine Annukka, really. I'm just finding it hard being here and not being involved." Why the hell hadn't Stephen text back?

"Seb's having a fairly chilled time of it at the moment isn't he." She added, seeing that he'd reached lap thirty-two without pitting.

"Yeah, I guess he is." Chloe yawned, starting to feel the past week's stress of worrying about seeing Stephen here and her self inflicted lack of sleep from her increased sex life taking its toll. After a hectic start, the race had settled down and with no work to do she was trying hard not get lost in her torment once again. She checked her phone once more before putting it back in her pocket and then yawned again thinking that if she felt tired now then Seb must be feeling even more so, or he would be once the race was over and the adrenaline had worn off. Maybe tonight they should just cuddle and she should let him have the night off from baby making. At the end of lap thirty-eight Seb came in for his one and only stop and as per usual Chloe craned her neck, keen to get even the tiniest, briefest glimpse of her man. There was a flash of red and the engine of Lina could be heard for all of about two seconds, then he was gone and he rejoined the track in fourth with Albon and Charles both due to stop. She suddenly found herself waking up, if Lewis stopped again then this race could be Seb's, she watched as some of his pit crew came back in, all high fiving each other. It was great how the whole team gelled so well together, everyone had their own place and their own role to fulfil and they all just automatically got on with it and did it well. They worked hard, but from the gossip she sometimes heard, they played hard too. The image on the screen changed to one of herself, along with a caption at the bottom detailing her name and that she was Sebastian Vettel's fiancée. Not so long ago that would have said she was his PA or press officer, she was missing those days badly. She removed her headset and turned her back to the camera, time to head to hospitality where she could watch the rest of the race without looking at her own face on tv.

Just Him ❤Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora