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When we learn to love someone..we give them the chances to know who we really are..we freely open our hearts to them..we give them the opportunity to know our flaws and imperfections...and lastly we give them our hearts whole and not broken..

We don't tend to give any doubts and expectations to the one we love..We didn't even give ourselves restrictions and limitations..we give our wholeselves to the one we love..without even thingking.without even analyzing...coz we let that love to take over our wholeselfs..and when that one we loved leaves us...

Its the time that we realize...

We realize that love is not anyone's fairytale.

We realize that love is not about happy endings

We realize needs restrictions,limitations and sometimes it needs a strong protect us from that big storm..

My name is Elle ...

And this is the story of how he become the reason of my greatest Downfall...

Her Greatest Downfall(On Hold)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon