Chapter Two

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•Nezuko will not have her bamboo muzzle.
•HeeHee Demon has been defeated.
•Some chapters may have more modern themes.
•This chapter contains a sweet Nezuko and handsome Zenitsu.
•Not related to the manga. Some details may not add up. That's the joys of writing.
•Sit back and (hopefully) enjoy my writing.

Nezuko made her way through her daily routine. Getting up, washing her hair, going grocery shopping and lastly, a stop at her favorite coffee place.

Everyday she'd order a typical coffee with lots of cream and sugar. Today, something threw off her routine. A tall blonde who goes by Zenitsu. She often heard the girls, maybe even a few boys, talking about the beauty of this person. Though she's had the pleasure of meeting the said person, until today.

"Nezuko! Your regular order?" The female barista smiled warmly, Nezuko nodded in response. The typical entrance bell rang, catching the attention of the employees. "Oh it's him." The same barista whispered to her other female worker.

Nezuko turned around to see the golden blonde standing in the door way. Dressed in regular clothing. A grey sweater, dark blue jeans, tightly fitted. Perfection inside of a person. She couldn't help but stare into his honey-like eyes.

The man named Zenistu walked past a few whispering girls, up to the counter. "Black coffee please." He dug into his wallet, pulling out the money for his hot beverage. "Keep the change." He waved off, waiting for his drink next to a short girl with pink eyes. She was definitely a cutie in his opinion.

Nezuko kept starring, even though her brain told her to stop being such a creep. She couldn't help but be in awe in the blessing before her. This handsome figure was so close, yet so out of her league. No way could she bring herself to talk to him.

"Hello gorgeous." Zenitsu looked directly at the girl with pink eyes, who starred back with a crimson face. "Let me buy you coffee sometime."

Nezuko looked behind her quickly, "who me?" Why would a handsome guy, such as himself want something to do with and average looking girl like her? This must be a dream. She began to hear whispers from the other workers from behind.

"Of course you!" Zenitsu pulled out a piece of paper, writing something down before giving it to Nezuko. "What's your name beautiful?"

"N-Nezuko." She stuttered while twirling her long brown hair around her index finger.

Zenitsu gripped the two cups of coffee sitting at the edge of the counter. He handed the correct up over to Nezuko, "Drink with me for a bit, if you have the time."

Of course she has the time! "That would be lovely." The girl smiled while Zenitsu lead her over to a table in the corner near a window. "Do you come here often?" She questioned while sipping her coffee. Nezuko's tastebuds did not like that sip. Crap, she forgot to put sugar inside. For now, she'll deal with it.

"Yes actually. I've seen you here before." Zenitsu sipped his coffee casually. Bitter, just how he liked it. "You always walk right past me until today!" Meaning she's the only girl to blatantly ignore him until today. That's what caught his eye the first time. The most beautiful girl in the café, ignoring his attempts to have a conversation with him. The start of a beautiful love story!

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry. I usually have a one track mind." Nezuko apologized sweetly, then taking another sip of her disgusting coffee. It would be too awkward to add a crap ton of sugar in front of a black coffee drinker. "Once I have my mind set on something I go and do it."

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