from rivals to lovers - hisagi x reader

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Over the course of his life, Shūhei had known (Name) for most all of it. When they were kids, they had hung out with one another out of need rather than want. (Name) annoyed the living hell out of Shūhei and she couldn't say she was quite fond of him, either. But the necessity of having someone else to watch after them had kept them together.

When they entered the Shinigami academy, Shūhei had been over done by only (Name). A rivalry had developed between the two of them and they tried persistently to prevail over the other. Even after the incident which injured Shūhei's face, (Name) had stayed beside him. He had thought that after that day, (Name) had become a bit more... kind to him. As if something in her confident, cocky attitude had softened.

After the academy, both Shinigami climbed through the ranks. When Shūhei became Tousen's lieutenant, however, (Name) was only a third seat. The promotion had made (Name) grumble unhappily, but when they had gone out to drink afterwards, she had acted in a way that Shūhei hadn't expected.

(Name) had congratulated him and, when she had, a dark blush had gone to her cheeks. It was amusing, certainly, but it also brought some sort of odd emotion to rise up within the new lieutenant, one he didn't understand at that moment.

Now, Shūhei understood that completely. He loved (Name), just as she loved him. After a few bottles of sake ten years after his promotion, as well as a nice shove from Renji, the two were finally able to connect in a sweet, overdue kiss.

But at this moment, as their vows were read, Shūhei wore the brightest of smiles as he looked his new bride in the eyes.

"I do."

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