petty jealousy - kenpachi x reader

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Kenpachi's uncovered eye twitched as he watched his subordinates continuously hit on his secret girlfriend; Ikkaku especially was making an ass out of himself in his drunken state. The testosterone in the Eleventh was too high to keep little (Name) safe.

Or at least, that would be the case if (Name) herself wasn't a complete and total badass. The woman was a very skilled fighter and Kenpachi had offered her a spot on his squad; she had refused, claiming that she was happy in her own division. Currently, (Name) had been passing through on her way home and had been caught by the horny Eleventh Division males.

"Ah, come on, (Name)! Just relax with us! Fight us! Do somethin'! We don't care!" Ikkaku whined before placing his sake bottle back to his lips. "You don't come by here too often!"

"And there's a reason for that, Madarame. I don't want to deal with the annoying shit that you all put me through."

The group laughed at what she had said, making Kenpachi's eye twitch all the more. He was as annoyed as his girlfriend was.

"Hey! Kenny! You can't let them bug her like that!" Yachiru jumped up onto Kenpachi's shoulder, pouting and smacking his head. "It's not fair! She deserves better than that! Go save her!"

"Ahh... It's not that easy." Kenpachi grumbled, watching as (Name) kicked several of the weaker squad members away. The men were fascinated by the fact that she was an attractive female that could fight like a professional. "We've not told anyone but you about our relationship. I don't really-"

"But Kenny!!! Kenny!!! You gotta save her!" Yachiru whined, hitting her father figure's head once more. "Go! Save! Her!" Yachiru punctuated each word with a smack.

"Fine, fine! I'm going!" Kenpachi sighed, picking Yachiru up and sitting her on the ground. The girl giggled and cheered as Kenpachi walked out of his office and into the crowd.

(Name) currently had a man pinned down, the most obvious of frustration on her face. When Kenpachi cleared his throat and gained everyone's attention, she looked up at him with a grin.

"Evening, Captain Zaraki." The female greeted with a wave. She then kicked the squad member once more before standing up and dusting herself off.

"All right, I want all of you dumbasses to leave (Name) alone. None of you will ever have a chance with her." Kenpachi spoke bluntly, his gaze flickering over everyone there. Ikkaku laughed, looking up at his captain.

"With all due respect, sir, I'd say I've got a pretty good chance! I'm the most likable one of us all!"

"Obviously not." Kenpachi scoffed, walking over to (Name) and wrapping an arm around her. "Otherwise, (Name) and I wouldn't be dating."

A ripple of shock went throughout the air as the Eleventh members all stared at Kenpachi and (Name) in complete shock. Although it made sense for two powerful fighters to be together, it was hard for them to believe that their captain had found himself a girlfriend.

And for it to be (Name) of all people? It was mind-boggling!

"B-But captain," Ikkaku slurred in confusion, looking between the two. "Captain, I didn't think you-"

"You didn't think I what, Ikkaku?" Kenpachi's voice was gruff, and Ikkaku froze. "All of you, get outta here!"

"Yes, sir!" All of the men seemed to say in unison, taking off in their own directions. (Name) just scoffed at them all, watching them flee.

"They're all so weak-spirited. Their captain comes and says he's already claimed the girl they like and they act like total wusses. Pathetic!" (Name) sighed, shaking her head. "None of them even had the nerve to protest!"

The way she spoke just made Kenpachi all the more happy. It reminded him of yet another reason of why he liked her in the first place.

"That kind of attitude is the reason I like you, you know that?" Kenpachi asked, looking down at his woman with a grin. "You're so feisty."

"And you're not?" (Name) had a challenging tone in her voice, one that Kenpachi found absolutely alluring.

"You've got me there." Kenpachi smirked before leaning down at kissing his girlfriend, making Yachiru gag in the distance.

The two crazies were meant to be.

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