Chapter 9 - An Unforgivable Mess

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Joker could only think of two others who might know what the hell was happening to his brother, his precision Batman, and his oldest brother Pennywise. He took out his cellphone and pulled up his text messages, his hands shaking as he rapidly tapped the keyboard with one hand, and holding onto Beppi with the other. He of course was going to alert his Batsy, due to his rather overgrown obsession over him, and the fact that Beppi was the one who told Batman everything, which was passed on to himself and Penny soon after, but maybe the full story wasn't told?

>Hey Bats! I need you and Penny to hop over here QUICK! Something's gone wrong and I could really use some help!

On my way, but what kind of trouble are you in? Did you get arrested or something?<

>No no! It's Beppi! Something's wrong with him.

Alright, I'll be there soon, keep an eye on him until we arrive.<

>I will, thanks Batsy!

Joker tried to smile, even just a little, usually any texts from his bat made him swoon, but this time around it was replaced with fear. He was keeping a tight grip on Beppi's hand, but it seemed to have no point in it since he wouldn't move at all. He deeply hoped this was curable, otherwise he might go mad. He had always hated silence, but he never had to deal with it when Beppi was around, since he was the most talkative of of the three, but now with this affect upon him, he'd have no choice but to either fill the silence's emptiness, or deal with it. Letting off a sigh, he took Beppi by the hand and dragged him towards the exit, not wanting anyone else to see him like this, otherwise some trouble may follow through. He found a large, smooth bolder that the both of them could sit on while they waited, and first sat Beppi up on top, and afterwards threw himself on as well. He stared off into the ocean's horizon, keeping a gently grip on his brother which suddenly grew tight as Joker saw Penny and Batman come into his view. He practically threw himself and Beppi off the rock and ran towards them, panting as if he had just done a marathon and just kept on going. Batman noticed his partner running towards him and quickly braced himself for impact. Joker attempted to screech to a halt before he had gotten to his bat, but instead Joker fell right into his boyfriend's arms, his grip on Beppi suddenly failing as he heard his brother fall onto the ground beside him. Batman shifted his head to look down at Beppi, raising an eyebrow as Joker nervously giggled and got himself out of Bat's grip, afterwards helping Beppi up. After a quick dusting, Joker turned Beppi to Batman and Penny, both quickly flinching the same way Joker did when he first saw Beppi like this.

"What the hell happened to him!?"

Penny yelled out suddenly, Joker quickly assuming it was directed at him.

"There was this, clock-like guy, Clockwork I think his name was.. either way, he was using Beppi's performance stage without permission, Beppi was about to get security on him until the guy said something to him.. and when he left, Beppi was just, like this!.. He can't move or speak.. his eyes have been ticking like actual clocks ever since it happened. I don't know what happened or how to stop it, but I thought maybe you two might.."

Batman made a movement towards Beppi, expecting him to move, but, nothing. It was odd, quite peculiar. He quietly examined him, the golden clocks that replaced his pupils seeming to shimmer like silver objects hidden in ocean beds. The ticking felt like a strick to the chest for him each time, it was unnatural and horrifying. Beppi's soft groans were a hard realization that he wasn't awake, nor asleep, he was stuck, trapped.

"Has he been able to hear you?"

"I'm not sure.. I'll say things to him and ask him to give me at least one sign that he could hear me, but, nothing..."

"...I think that man you were talking about, he's got Beppi trapped in the middle of things. He seems to be asleep, but his body is wide awake. He can't move at all, but his insides will still work. He's in a state that he can't do anything until one side overpowers the other."

Joker started to whine through his teeth, shaking a little as he looked at Beppi, and back to Batman. His eyes were still an unanswered question.

"W-What about his eyes? What's up with those?.."

"Hm, well they keep ticking like normal clocks would, they're showing a specific time, 23 hours.. but they should stop when he fixed himself. So I'd assume, it's a warning, a time limit.."

Neither of the three liked the sound of that. Joker looked as if he was ready to cry as he continued.

"W-Well how do we fix him? There has to be a way to cure him!"

"That's the thing.. we can't do anything besides watch and wait. He has to fix this on his own, inside his head."

"...Y-You're telling me we can't help him at all?.. He's helpless?.. That he might never be f-fixed?..."

"Now now, Joker, I'm not implying that. He can be helped, but he'd have to help himself for now until we are actually able to help him. For now, all we can do is encourage him to keep going."

"T-That sounds awfully cliché.. but if it helps him.. so be it."

"Let's be honest, everything's a cliché.. now, we'd better get back before things get any worse, and so he's out of danger."

"W-Well.. the apartment might not be the most safest place right now, Batsy.."

"...Wait! I think he moved! Penny, did you see that too?"

They had been in Bruce's Batcave, where they've been hiding out until the explosion situation blew over. Right now, Joker was sitting next to Beppi in somewhat of a hospital bed that Bruce had, watching his brother's every move.

"Joker, he didn't move an inch.. I know you're worried about him, but he'll be fine. It's not like he's going anywhere."

"But he is! He's already gone! This isn't my brother, this isn't our brother, the Beppi we knew! It's all because of that damned clock, when I get my fucking HANDS ON HIM, I'LL!-"


Batman suddenly yelled, both turning to him as Joker let off a sigh, he'd gone too far again.

"We can sort out Clockwork later, revenge isn't the necessary action right now. It's to help your brother the best we can."

Joker let off a nod and leaned back onto the bed, landing with a thud against the cushion mattress. His Batsy was right, violence would have been the worst thing to do in this situation, but to Joker it seemed like the only option left.

"We both know that even if you crumbled another building, when your brother comes out of this state, he wouldn't approve either."

"...he doesn't hate me for that, does he?"

"No, he understands what you did was out of your control. He could never hate you, his heart is two times bigger than it needs to be."

"No kidding.."

Joker shot a stare at Penny's comment, growling softly before he softened up at Batman's hand resting gently on his shoulder.

"We will get him back, I promise."

"And when we do?.."

"Then you're allowed to go after that clock."

"...fine.. but you have to come with me! If he's my brother, than he's your brother too!"

"Oh, I'll be sure to help with that in some way. You have my word."

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