Chapter 7 - Let's Try This Again

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"Y-You're kidding around with me, r-right?.. H-His life couldn't have been that bad back then!.."

"I'm sorry Joker, but the proof is all there, he's missing his left arm and those stitches are pretty damn visible."

"G-God.. y-you weren't wrong when you said that I-I wouldn't like what I find out..."

"And are any of these doctors going to, fix him? Or are they all just as scared as he was?"

"I'm unsure of that, but I think perhaps I might be able to help him out with his limbs, I've got some tech at the bat cave which would be way better than another shit stitch job."

"D-Don't insult him like that!.. He could be listening.."

"No, Joker, he admitted himself that it was, he was using his undominant to do something that required his good hand."

"And besides, if he was listening, would have he woken up by now?"

"A-Are you sure he's just resting?.."

"Yes, of course I'm sure. Trust me when I say that yes, while we were talking, he did happen to pass out, but for one, I could see the tiredness in his eyes so I knew it was going to happen, and two, he didn't lean forward or anything like that, he just slept as he sat."

"I hope you're right, Batsy... I just, I don't wanna do another major fuck up and hurt him again.. of course I'm worried and concerned for his safety, but I don't want to have to calm myself down again.."

"Well, it's be best to apologize to him again once he wakes up, maybe to make it up to him, the both of you could head back to his home for a while, just, don't get caught."

"I suppose.. I mean, you are right about apologizing to him and all, I just, I don't feel comfortable when I'm in Inkwell, we were there earlier today and Beppi didn't really seem interested in it either.."

"It's probably because he's to used to it, it being his main home-world after all. He's fascinated by new things, I've learned that from him. I once gave him a rubik's cube and he spent almost 6 hours trying to solve the damn thing, since I don't think they were invented yet back in the 30's."

"Y-Yeah, they were made around 1974. He wouldn't see them for another 40 years or so.."

"And it's not just that too, he adores Gotham if you haven't been able to tell already. So much action and excitement for him, and you two are here all the time, so it's a win-win situation to him."

"True, but I don't think he can see all the danger and crime that revolves around this place.. I mean sure, he may have you, and I, and Penny to watch over him and protect him, but what happens when he's all alone out there? He could get robbed, or jumped, or worse.. h-he could.."

"I understand how you feel about this, Joker, but we need to consider what would be best for him in this situation.. what would be best—"

"For my sake?"

Beppi suddenly spoke up, all three glanced down at him and smiled, he had finally woken up.

"Yes, Beppi, For your sake."

"'s not that I don't see the crime and danger inside Gotham, it's just that I choose to ignore it so I won't get myself upset over it.."

"That may not be the best-"

"Let him speak, Joker, we need to allow his input."

"R-Right, right.. sorry, go on.."

"I only ignore the crime because I don't want to be apart of it, but that doesn't mean I'm not entirely aware of it. I understand that it is dangerous around here and I will try to stand my guard, but I don't want to be seen by you three as fragile and helpless to this city's dangers, okay?"

"..alright Beppi. I'll try and be more aware of that."

Bruce nodded quietly to Joker before nudging him gently, reminding him to continue his sentence.

"A-And Beppi, I, I want to apologize or all of this.. for not being aware, for putting you down, f-for causing the explosion and hurting you... I know you probably can't forgive me, but is there some sort of way I could make it up to you? It can be whatever you want, as long as it makes you happy."

"Jokey, I already forgave you the first time.. I knew you were deeply sorry about this, and still are, and I forgive you. But, if you wanted to make things up to me.."

Beppi thought for a moment, before sighing and looking up at him.

"I want at least another hotel to be built to replace that abandoned one you blew up, and I have something back in Inkwell I want to show you, just you and me.."

Joker glanced over to Penny and Bruce, who both nodded in agreement to those conditions. Joker let off a small nod and turned himself back to Beppi.

"Alright, we'll be sure to replace the hotel, but maybe wait until after Batsy fixes you up that we go back to Inkwell, sound good?"

"Sounds good.."

It had taken a few week for Beppi to heal up, but that gave just enough time for the hotel to be rebuilt by Joker and his boyfriend, which of course gave more time for those two to talk. Meanwhile Penny had the job of cooking and cleaning, which was surprisingly easy for him, since he learned from the best after all. Sure, those few weeks passed by slow for Beppi, but he took them with care. He didn't really mind how long it'd take, just as long as he got to see his brothers happy. Soon enough, a whole month had passed, Beppi's arm and leg were back into their rightful place with less of a chance of falling off again, thanks to Bruce, and he was back to doing his regular tasks and chores around the house, but now his brothers were insisting to help every time, even if they had been worked down to the bone that day. And as soon as the time came, Beppi reminded Joker of his promise, which surprisingly after a month Joker had still remembered and was all ready to go, while Beppi had been quite hesitant with going back, he had been gone for a month after all. Yet Joker gave no pressure, he knew it would be hard for Beppi, but he'd be willing to go along side him for the entire trip and for as long as he wished to stay, even if the worst possible things happened to come crashing down on them. Beppi was happy to be able to hear his brother say that to him, and once he had gathered enough strength and determination to do so, the two went back to Beppi's home-world, neither one prepared for what would be upon them.

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