Chapter 8 - Not all Clocks Chime

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As they arrived in Inkwell, they managed to find themselves on that same beach that they had left off on. It felt odd for Beppi when he went through the hop, and his body was a bit sore when he came into Inkwell, but he just attempted to ignore it unless it got worse. The carnival was shining brightly above them, children's laughs and giggles echoing down towards them, and Beppi smiled softly. He missed those sounds, since he barely got to hear them in Gotham, it was only here they he could listen to them. Joker sometimes questioned Beppi's enjoyment when it came to children, and Beppi would always tell him that he's a child at heart, and being around other kids made him feel happy and playful, that being the reason for the carnival. Beppi had explained to Joker that he'd stop at the carnival on the way back, since he knew Joker enjoyed his carnival just as much as he did. Once they had passed however, Joker had noticed a tall man with a square-shaped head walking towards the carnival, and another man with a cylinder-shaped head and half of his body being mist. Joker just assumed they had worked with Beppi however and continued on his way. Soon enough though, the two came towards an old timey hospital (since it was the 1930's afterall) and Beppi continued on without warning, heading inside with his brother as Joker starting to question what they were doing here. They two continued down a series of hallways until they reached a room with had a V.I.C sign on it. (Very Important Clown) Beppi casually strolled inside while Joker was stuck outside, him having a hint of worry.

"So, why are we here?"

"Well, Bruce told you I practically grew up in a hospital, right?"


"Well, this was and still is my room. They always keep it prepared for the next time I get myself sent in here, and you'd be surprised of how many times I've been here. It's, my home away from home. And back then.."

"Your old home was dangerous.."

"Exactly. I, I felt like you'd want to know where I went if things got heated at home, and well, this is it.. my paradise."

"Your.. paradise? Kinda like?.."

"The asylum in Gotham? Yeah, I guess you could say that."


"But, I make fun for everyone inside of these white walls.. I was the Performer, the Star, and the Clown."

"Is that how you become a clown?"

"Nope, that was from my mother. She had been a clown herself and she inspired me to become one when I grew older, the doctor who cared for me as well aided that inspiration when my mother passed, and still does to this day."

"Is that doctor here?"

"No.. she's probably at home, caring for my si- her daughter."

"...what was that?"

"She's probably at home, caring for her dau-"

"Were you going to say sister?.. Your sister?"

"..I'll, explain it more another day. You still wanna go to the carnival, right?"

"Well, yeah! But I-"

"Good, let's get going then, before the sun sets."

Beppi quickly snatched a hold on Joker's hand, and gently lead him out of the hospital, Joker's mind being filled with nothing but questions, and he sure as hell wanted answers. He wanted to speak up and ask Beppi, but maybe it'd be better if he asked him another time, and make sure he doesn't set Beppi off into another outburst. But as soon as they got to the carnival, the image of the two men walking towards Beppi's carnival became clear in his mind.

"Beppi, were you expecting any guests at your carnival today?"

"Besides the usual customers and children, no, why?"

"I saw two men walking towards your carnival on our way to the hospital.. I couldn't tell if they were clients or..."

"I'll have to check.. hopefully it's not any more trouble."

They two slowly searched around for the men, Beppi waving to people along the way hide up the fact that something was wrong. However their location became clear as Beppi could see his large performance stage in use, a voice echoing throughout the crowd which formed in front of the stage, Beppi and Joker trying to make their way through the crowd, but the people just wouldn't move. After a while though, the crowd dispatched as if the show had been over, and Beppi rushed to the front of the stage to confront whoever had bene using his stage without permission. He skidded to a halt though once he and Joker realize they were the same men as before, the square headed one actually being a grand-father clock, and the cylinder head was actually a lantern. The clock grinned slyly as Beppi walked towards them, Joker doing the same to support and help if he'd needed. He was sure as hell ready for a fight.

"What are you two doing, using MY stage without my permission, and thinking you can get away with it?.."

"Oh, mister Beppi! What a delight!~ Me and my friend here were just advertising our magic show, since it'll be in town for the next week or so, you should come see it!"

"Hard pass, bucko. Now who the hell are you, and your friend here?"

"Oh, how rude of me! The name is Clockwork, and this here is my partner, Lanturné!"

"Well, mister 'Clockwork'.. you'd better get off my stage before I get security up here, you know the law.."

"My my, such violence, there's no need! We'll of course be on our way, but I just have one warning to you, good sir..."

Clockwork took a step closer to Beppi, both focusing on each other's eyes as Clockwork started to speak, Joker being able to notice Clockwork's eyes shifting and changing as he spoke.

"Your past seems like an endless maze, but the exit is as easy to remember as the back of your hand. Your future may seem like an unfinished puzzle, but you must first collect all the pieces, and finally, inside the horrors of your own mind, not even you can reach out for help, you may only help yourself."

And with that, Clockwork grinned once more as he patted Beppi's shoulder and walked out of the carnival with Lanturné tagging along not too far behind, Joker starting to question about those statements, and he needed answers. So he quickly turned around to try and find the two men.


But as soon as he looked, they were gone out of sight. Joker sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, looking down at the ground.

"Damn clock.. won't even explain what the hell that was supposed to mean.. well, hopefully we won't see him again, right Bep?"

Joker asked with a chuckle before looking over at his brother, who hadn't moved or said anything after Clockwork had left. Joker cocked an eyebrow and slowly walked over to Beppi, a growing concern for his brother starting to form inside Joker.

"Beppi? Are, are you alright?.. Y'know it'd help a lot more if you were to say something."

No response, odd. Joker thought to himself as he started to step in front of Beppi and take a look at his face, but once he did, he shrieked out in horror. His brother's eyes were GONE, they had been replaced with golden clocks which ticked softly every second. Joker was terrified, he acted out of full panic and started to shake him brother, tears starting to fill his eyes.


Yet no matter how much Joker pleaded, the only thing that came from Beppi's mouth were soft groans, no words whatsoever. Joker started to bawl, hugging his brother close as he sobbed into his shoulder. He's gone.. Joker thought as he weeped. That fucking clock took him away from me.. just when things were starting to get better for us.."

"O-Oh.. my god.. W-What the hell did he do you?.."

Joker asked his brother through sobs, but he knew damn well he wouldn't get an answer. He had to find a way to reverse this madness, but how?. .

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