Chapter 4

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What was she talking about?! Girlfriend?! She definitely has issues! That's too delusional!

The brunette fans of Kageyama was pacing in her room, back and forth, trying to sort out her mind. She didn't believe what the person she just met that day had said. She thought the girl was being delusional for claiming herself as Kageyama's girlfriend. The reason was because this certain grey eyes girl had been watching Kageyama for a very long time. Sure she wasn't in the same school as him but since he played at the tournament in his first year of junior high school, Erika had been crushing at the boy. This whole time, she never saw Kageyama with a girl or heard him ever get close with a girl.

"Okay Erika, calm yourself down. You have to think this thing straight. This is only another challenge in yours and Kageyama's relationship." She sighed loudly.

"I have to make my move. I have to confess."


It had been three days and Kageyama hadn't hung out with the (E/C) eyes girl.

"Kageyama, i see you didn't hang out with (L/N)-san these past days."

"Yeah. Maybe she's busy."

"Is that so? Are there any other thing that she was busy with other than being with you?" Kageyama looked into the girl's eyes with a little bit of irritation that left unseen by the brunette. The irritation wasn't caused by the girl sarcastic statement, but because her words were actually translated as a literal meaning by him.

Right? Are there anything more important than me? Stupid (Y/N).

"Good for me. I didn't have to handle her all day." Kageyama pouted a little and said a little tsundere statement as his expression of being angry with (Y/N). But of course a certain girl thought of it as his expression of irritation for the (H/C) haired girl.

I knew it!

"Kageyama." Erika called and got a hum as response.

"Meet me at the rooftop after school."



"A-as i said. I love you. W-will you be my boyfriend?" The brown haired girl looked at Kageyama right in his eyes. Her face was tinted with red and her eyes were reflecting that she was expecting some responses from the boy. But the boy's expression was none than what she had thought it would be. Her best scenario was that Kageyama's face will turn red and he will stutter, her worst was that he will just leave her and the most possible reaction was his face is unreadable like his usual expression in front of her. But what she saw is none of those. Instead, he was frowning in confusion and her face turned into one too.

"Why are you asking me that?"

"Are you really asking a girl who just confessed her love to you that kind of question? Kageyama, you're as clueless as ever." The girl giggled.

"That's not what I meant." The girl tilted her head to the side as a sign of confusion.

"You know that... I have a girlfriend right?" That time, she could hear the sound of her heart breaking to pieces.

"Don't tell me... It's (L/N)?"

"Of course it's her."

"But you told me she was annoying!"

"I-I've never said that! It's just... I hate that she has other thing to be occupied with other than being with me." Kageyama covered half of his face and turned it away out of embarrassment.

"I-i don't understand. Why are you suddenly like someone you just met and have a relationship with her?!"

"I think you got it wrong."

"What did I get wrong?!"

"I had been in relationship with (Y/N) for two years." Erika who had been hanging her head low, now tilted her head upwards to look at the boy.


"And I know her my entire life. I've known her since we were little." The brunette turned silent from what Kageyama had said. Kageyama turned his body to the rooftop door to avoid this awkward situation.

"I'll forget this whole thing. Just... don't tell (Y/N) about it." When Kageyama was walking, he was suddenly stopped by the girl's voice.

"If..!" Kageyama didn't turn his body but the girl knew that he's all ears.

"If I had met you earlier! If I'm your childhood friend and you just met (L/N)-san in high school! Will you still choose her rather then me? You loved her because she had been with you your whole life right?!" Kageyama stayed silent. Erika still trying to catch her breath for shouting. She thought that she had made Kageyama in a checkmate situation but her expectation was crushed by Kageyama's answer.

"Yes. Even if i didn't knew her my whole life, even if I know her only from elementary school, middle school, high school, work or even if I only know her once from the accidental meeting, I will choose her. Because..."

"...She won't ever be replaced."

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