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My lovely daughter was really in her element. She enjoyed being busy, and she was. She and her mother had baked for Asa's first birthday two days prior. They'd made the biggest rectangle-shaped cake that would fit in Nessie's oven, and built it up with many layers, each new one just a little smaller than the one beneath it. Asa was going to have the traditional first birthday "smash cake." I was curious to see if he'd actually smash it, as most one-year-olds did.

Nessie presented him with it on his big day, and quiet laughter rolled through the crowd that was watching when he requested a fork.

 "You don't need one, it's your birthday!" she told him. His mouth formed a little O. 

"Go ahead," Jake told him. "You can eat it with your hands, buddy." 

So he shoveled a few large bites of sugary goodness into his mouth with his hands, to the delight of everyone who loved him. After the third, he pushed his plate away. 

"Momma? All done."

 He'd definitely preferred the steak he'd had for dinner. Those who ate, raved about the cake as they sat at the rented picnic tables that were all over the backyard. I quickly scanned the yard, including Asa and his parents and siblings, we were at forty-eight people. Twenty-eight of them, I'd flown in this morning. It would have been a tad rude to invite guests to your home in another state, and not provide them with a way to get there. I enjoy flying. Bella always came along with me. When it's just she and I up in the clouds, it's the only time I'm treated to total silence, no thoughts of others invading. Just hers, if she chooses. Just the way I like it. Nessie got a little emotional when everyone sang Happy Birthday to Asa. As she held him over his cake to blow out his solitary candle, I could see her thinking about how much she had wanted him. She remembered that feeling that someone was missing, and the one of validation she got when she became pregnant with him, and knew she'd been right, despite what anybody else thought. She'd wanted him almost as much as Anthony. I know she loves all of her children the same, but I suspect she may always be closer to her sons. 

Mollie and Xandra had recently figured out a fun little game they liked to play with my gift. They'd think of something, usually something a little strange, and see if I could guess what it was. After they'd both consumed far too much cake, they wandered over to where Bella and I were seated in the grass and plopped down into our laps. 

"Grandpa, my belly is so full," Mollie said, looking up at me. 

"I'm sure it is. You've had plenty of treats today, my darling." 

"Yeah, I have," she agreed. 

"I like treats."

 "Can we have cinnamon toast for breakfast the next time we come over to your house?" Xandra asked, looking up at Bella.

 "Sure," she said, smoothing out a little tangle in Xandra's hair, messy from playing. 

"Nice," Mollie said. 

Xandra began staring at me, narrowing her eyes with intensity, and thinking about an unnaturally blue flower. 

"Blue flower," I said, meeting her eyes. 

Xandra let out a long peel of laughter, and Mollie cheered. They tried several more random objects including an umbrella, and a chair, and were delighted each time when I was correct. They both thought of them in just the same way. Like it was a drawing on a white sheet of paper. Eventually, they ran off to play with their cousins. 

"Wow, he looks a little past two now, doesn't he?" Bella remarked, looking at Asa.

 He was being covered in kisses by Rebecca as Nessie laughed and watch.

All Grown Up: The Story of Jacob and Renesmee Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now