A Different Kind of Ending

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I died once when I was five. I fell into a dam and I drowned. One of the villagers got me out and performed CPR. I was dead for a total of four minutes. When I woke up I asked my mother; "Where is he?" My mother was confused and asked me who I was talking about. I told her, "There was a man in white. He hugged me and told me that it was not my time yet."

In the darkness I dreamt of a time when I was younger and I was back in Westwood. I dreamt of a time when I had no idea that one day I would die at the hands of a vampire. I dreamt of a time when I thought that I would be protected forever and never have to live through the horrors that happened to slaves.

I dreamt of playing hide and seek at six years old.

I dreamt of being five and of having faith that my father; the leader of the Resistance; would beat the vampires before I would be the one stepping up willingly to be taken.

I dreamt of being thirteen and sharing my first kiss with a girl named Cybil Theron.

I dreamt of my mother and how she had this warm smile.

I dreamt of my sister; the way her voice echoed through our house as she sang.

I dreamt of the time my sister told me that she was in love with a boy named Daniel Steyn.

I dreamt of Ami. I dreamt of kissing her and the way her arms felt around me. I dreamt of what things would have been like for Ami and I if we met under different circumstances; if the vampires had never taken over. A time and place where we could be just a simple boy and girl. In the parallel universe I dreamt of taking her to meet my family. I dreamt of getting married to her under one of the oldest trees in the forest. I dreamt of living happily ever after with our children playing in the field.

I wanted to stay there.

I was happy in those dreams because they felt real.

Reality brought me back with the sound of an echoing scream. I thought that maybe it was Arya and Estelle but when I opened my eyes they were nowhere to be seen. I touched my neck. When I brought my hand towards my face there was no blood on it.

Why am I still alive? I kept asking myself.

I answered my own question though as I looked into a mirror. I was deathly pale and my eyes had a red shine to them. I stepped back in shock and touched my gums and my canines. They extracted immediately with a searing pain and cut my finger. I jumped backwards and started to take in my surroundings.

This was definitely not Estelle's room.

I was in a white room. I walked towards the huge mirror again. There was something strange about it. I touched it and whispered.

"Hello...Is anyone out there! Hello!" I jumped back as I saw a door open up. I could feel my gums start to pain. It was like I could literally hear the blood in their veins. My father came in with some kind of black rod along with two other guards. My instincts told me that they were a threat.

"Dad..." I walked towards my father. I froze when I saw the look in his eyes. Pure hatred.

"You are not my son. You are a monster" I gasped and made a hissing noise. I never wanted this.

"I am sorry...I never..."

"Traitor..." My father said the word as if though there was venom in his voice.

"No. I was always on your side. You have to believe me. I was planning to kill Estelle. I promise. I thought that if I pretended..."

"Be quiet! It is too late for excuses!" It looked like he was shaking with anger.

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