Strawberry Scented Bath.

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“Get off me.” Something underneath me moved, but I pay no heed to it. I disregarded it as a result of my erratic sleeping last night; I must be hallucinating. “Get off me,” It repeated. Yep, I think I’m hearing things. “Get the hell off me!”

I hissed in pain as a well-placed kick connected with my calf. My eyes started to water, blurring my vision. I rolled to the side, trying to get away from whatever had tried to attack me. Crimson eyes peered down at me without even a slight indication of concern.

“You’re crying? Did even it hurt that much?”

“Would you like to try getting kicked?” I made out the words through gritted teeth. The pain had faded slightly, allowing me to get off the bed.

“Pass,” he said nonchalantly, making his way over the bathroom. “You’re going to be late if you stay on the floor.”

“Whose fault is that, exactly?”

“Don’t try to pin the blame on me. You were the one who slept on me.”

“So you decided to kick me? That hard?” I asked incredulously.

“It got the job done. You woke up.”

Turning away from Natsume and his insufferable attitude, I grabbed my school uniform and started to dress. There was no point in arguing back-and-forth with him anymore. I entered the bathroom just as my roommate came out.

We were both done soon, and just as we left the raven haired youth’s room, a figure came whizzing past us on a scooter. “That was Imai-san, wasn’t it?” I asked, directing my question at nobody in particular. I had just managed to make out her purple eyes and short black hair before she left my line of sight.

“Natsume…and Kai.” Ruka made his way over once he saw us. Together, we made our way to classes. I noted that whenever the blonde was around, Natsume and I tend to have fewer arguments. I guess it was just that the he had a soothing effect on both of us.

By the time we reached the class, all the students had already settled into their seats. We were late, and Narumi didn’t seem too pleased, but he let us off all the same.


Narumi walked up to me just as the class ended. “Kai-kun, how are you settling in?”

“I told you not to call me that, didn’t I?”

“Sorry, sorry, my bad, Kissu me-kun.”

That’s disgusting,” I spat out, revolted at the play on my name. “Why haven’t you been arrested yet?”

“You’re so cold. Just answer my question, Kai.”

I tried to ignore the snickers that came from behind my back, courtesy of Perm-head and her gang. “There are a few problems.”

“Go ahead.” He motioned for me to continue.

“To start, I’m short on clothes.” Since I only had two sets in my possession, I thought I’d mention it to Narumi.

“A trip to Central Town’s coming up in a few weeks. You can get clothes there. For now, you can wear Natsume’s.”  

“Where will I get the money to purchase all these?”

“Get him to split his allowance with you?” The pheromone Alice user suggested.

“I refuse to be so reliant on him. Don’t make him compensate for your lack of organization,” I said sharply, piqued at having to be so dependent on my crimson eyed enemy.

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