Welcome to Alice Academy's Class B!

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My sleep was plagued by endless nightmares, each progressively worse than the one before it, but one thing was always the same.


I bolted upright, my sweat matted black hair plastered to my face. Brushing it aside, I examined my surroundings. I was in a room grander than I had ever seen before. Where the heck was I?


The door unlocked and a man walked in. I surveyed his appearance with distaste; he kept his blonde locks long and wore a fair amount of jewellery.

My muscles tensed. If he showed any signs of hostility I was ready to incapacitate him and make a break for the door. However, no such intention came from this mystery man and I relaxed. “Who are you?

He flashed a smile. “Me? Call me ‘Narumi-sensei’.”

I grimaced. “Like hell I will.”

“Now, now. Don’t be like that. I’m guessing that you want to know where you are and why you’re here?”

“Enlighten me.” I flopped back onto the sofa and listened to him talk.

“You’re in Gakuen Alice; an institute for those who are born with Alices.”

“Hmm. Tell me something I don’t already know.”

This ‘Narumi’ person arched an eyebrow. “Oh, you’re a hard one to satisfy, aren’t you? Your Alice is water. You can manipulate and conjure water at will,” he explained.

“I already know; that’s obvious,” I replied curtly, disregarding all forms of manners my parents had taught me. I really wasn’t in the mood to deal with someone so cheerful at this time.

“Oh, really? Tell me how you found out.” Narumi-sensei looked genuinely surprised, and that ticked me off.

“Most people would realize after murdering their parents with water. Don’t take me for an idiot.”

He looked at me with an amused smile. “Are you sure you should be telling me this?" 

This teacher really was trying to test my patience, wasn’t he? “Why not? After all, the fact I’m here in this…institute and not in juvenile prison explains everything. You guys probably covered everything up by writing this off as a freak accident didn’t you? After all, I’m sure the government didn’t want to deal with anything ‘beyond the scope of ordinary’. In short, anything regarding Alices is covered up by your organization, with permission from the government, and that is exactly why I’m here at this very moment. Why ask questions when you already know the answer to them? Oh, wait—I already know the answer to that.”

“Everything you said is true. That makes things easier then. I’m sure I don’t need to explain anything further. Everything else you’ll need to know about how the school works will be explained by your classmates. But first, put on that uniform." He gestured to the uniform draped over the back of a chair.

I pick it up and promptly begin to undress, but I stop when I see Narumi stare at me strangely. "What do you want now?"

"I'm just shocked to see you undressing so openly in front of me."

The sides of my mouth twitch. "We're both male and I want to get out these clothes from yesterday as soon as possible," I state, and resume putting on the uniform.

After I'm done, he resumes his talk. "Make the most of these two months we're giving you to settle in. I really don't want to say this, but you'll never get the normal life of a student here. You'll need to live your life working for this place. 

The Black Fox [Gakuen Alice Fanfiction]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora