Hatred Born out of Love

Start from the beginning

My time was running out.

He suggested that I become a gift to his sister. Anamalia ran a business that specialized in the mutilating of humans. She had a modern day Freak Show with all of her creations. I cringed at the thought. One of the slaves in the kitchen named Igor used to be in one of her shows. His ears were systematically cut off. He could no longer hear and he walked limp because she also cut off his right leg and replaced it with one made of animal bones. He was also mute as Anamalia had cut out his tongue. He was sometimes brought to parties dressed as a clown. 

It was a terrible fate.

I swallowed and tried to look indifferent. Estelle told everyone to begin and immediately one of the vampires advanced towards me. Estelle noticed. She stood up and smiled; most likely beaming with pride.

"So this is the rebel's son?"

"Yes. Indeed it is." He held onto my face and looked at the black diamond.

"Interesting...He sort of looks like the rebel." He sounded disgusted.

"I assure you he is nothing like his father. He is fully submissive. Show him." I nodded and held my wrist out towards the vampire.

"Drink if you wish." Estelle smiled. The vampire looked at me and instead of drinking my blood he moved towards the table. He cut open a piece of flesh from the girl's arm and the blood poured into one of the cups. The poor girl looked scared out of her mind.

"Drink this." He handed me the glass and I looked at Estelle and she nodded. The taste was horrible as it went down my throat. Lucian had made me drink human blood at the last Blood Feast. I still hated the taste. The girl looked at me in horror. I refused to look at her as I drank all of it.

"How about vampire blood?"

"You know that is against the law Richard." She gave an innocent smile. She was good at playing innocent; meanwhile she had been feeding me her blood in private for months now. 

"Yes I know. I guess he must be an interesting pet to have around. How much will it cost to buy him?"

"He is not for sale. He is mine."

"Possessive much?"

Estelle laughed with a shimmer in her eyes.

"I do not intend on letting go of him any time soon despite what other people may believe." I focused on the face of the girl on the table. She lay still and closed her eyes tightly. I wished so much that I could free her.

"I am bored Hunter. Go up to my room and wait for me. I will be there in a while after I think of some excuse as to why I do not need to be here."

I nodded and went straight to her bedroom. I sat on her bed and sighed.

I had to do it tonight while Estelle was distracted on some level. I could not carry on living like her broken toy. Even if it failed at least they would execute me. I would be dead. In a way that would be freedom. 

I suddenly remembered her blood in my veins. What if being dead was not the worst kind of punishment? What if I ended up becoming like her?

I could not fail.

I managed to strategically place a weapon in her bedroom. It was a difficult task, but after months I finally acquired what I needed; now I just needed to be brave. No one knew about this except the one who gave me the weapons. I promised to keep his identity a secret ; while the other person did the same in return.

When I first came here five months ago I kept looking for a Human Sympathizer, it turns out there was more than one. After observing this particular one I found that I could trust him and I made him promise not to tell my father of my possible plan. If everyone believed that I was completely broken it would be easier for Estelle to believe the lie.

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