In Walk My Heroes

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Image of Skyler above
Skyler P.O.V

Typical day in my shitty, introverted life. Waking up, getting beaten because my room isn't 'up to code', not eating because I missed breakfast because I had to clean my room again. Doing chores, eating a bit of lunch, more chores, dinner, getting beaten yet again, having a shower, lights out, and watching Dan and Phil until 4 a.m. An infinite cycle. Until one day, It all changed.

I woke up that day and tidied everything. And when the leader of the orphanage, Mrs. Garcia, came in. She didn't hit me or yell at me. Huh, must be adoption day.

"Get dressed into something somewhat decent, we want to make a great impression on the couples that came in to adopt today." She said in a cheery voice so that the families downstairs could hear. And then went back to her normal voice. She grabbed me by my ear. "If you do anything stupid, I will beat you black and blue. Do you understand me?"

"Yes ma'am." I say, causing her to let go of my ear and walk out if my room. I go to my dresser and pull out a pair of black ripped jeans, a black tshirt and my Dan and Phil hoodie. I put on a beanie and my black converse and then make may way downstairs. I sit in my usual chair that I sit in during adoption day. It is in alphabetical order by first name. So I am one of the last ones, and most potential parents have stopped listening by then.

I sit in my chair and look at the ground until my namee is called. I get up, and walk into the interview room. I sit down in the chair across from the people who I have not looked at yet.

"Hello." Two framiler voices say. I glance up briefly to see two framiler looking men. I look up again, this time for longer. Realization hits me about who they are. It's Dan and Phil.

"H-hi." I manage to stutter out.

"I am going to assume that you already know who we are." Phil says. I nod sheepishly, causing them to laugh.

"So can we ask you some questions?" Dan asks.

"Sure." I say.

"How old are you?" Dan asks.

"I'm 14." I say.

"What's your favorite animal?" Phil asks.

"Definitely a wolf." I answer.

"Favorite show?" Dan asks.

"Riverdale." I say.

"Favorite pastime?" Dan asks.

"Watching youtube, reading, listening to music, drawing and dancing." I say.

"What kind of music do you listen to?" Phil asks.

"Panic! At The Disco, Set it Off, Against the Current, Bring Me The Horizon, My Chemical Romance, Blink-182- , Evanescence, Avril Lavigne, Fall Out Boy, Seether, Nickleback, Metallica, Hinder, Lifehouse. Stuff like that." I say.

"Wow, that's a lot of bands." Dan says.

"Well, what do you think Dan?" Phil asks. They turn around and start whispering to each other. After about a minute or so they turn around again.

"Well Ms. Skyler, how would you like to become Skyler Howell?" Dan asks.

"Wait, seriously?" I ask, surprised. Dan and Phil chuckle.

"Yes, seriously." Dan says.

"I would love to." I say.

"Then it's settled I guess." Dan says. Dan and Phil get up from the table, and so do I.

"I'll go sign the papers and Phil can help you pack if thats alright?" Dan says. I nod. We all leave the interview room and Dan goes to the front desk, while Phil and I go upstairs to my room. I close the door so that no one hears what I say.

"Phil, I just wanted to say thank you to you, when if found yours and Dan's videos, I was at a peak of loneliness and I had lost all hope. I didn't understand why or even want to be on this earth. And when I found you guys, I actually started laughing and genuinely smiling." I say. A smile grows on Phil's face.

"Aww, Skyler." Phil wraps his arms around me and I flinch away. Phil lets go and looks at me oddly.

"Are you okay?" He asks. I nod.

"I was just kind of surprised." I lie. Truthfully, my back is bruised and sore from previous beatings. Phil nods but it looks like he doesn't believe me. I grab a suitcase from under my bed and start packing my clothes while Phil grabs another on and packs the stuff on my shelf. And because there is two of us, it doesn't take long. Phil grabs both my suitcases and we walk back downstairs. When we get back down, Dan is finished signing the forms.

"So, you ready to go?" Dan asks. I nod.

"Absolutely." I say. Dan wraps his arm around my shoulder and just like I did with Phil, I flinch away. Dan looks oddly at me, but doesn't say anything.
We put my bags in the trunk of Phil's car and then get in. Phil puts the car into drive and then pulls out of the parking space.

Here we go. Going to my new home.

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