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(i'm pulling this one out of my ass, I can't think of anything better, I'm open for ideas)

Type: Emitter

The user can see into peoples future by touching them with skin to skin contact like holding hands.

They will see the good parts of the persons future and see what goals they accomplish, lives they change, awards, prizes, and gifts they receive in the future. The user will see the happiness, excitement, and enjoyment of the targets life in the future.

The user can share those images with the target if they do something physically intimate with the target such as a hug or kiss.

The user is able to mask peoples fears in a 20 foot radius and can give people a sense of pride, hope and accomplishment at the current moment they are in. This can make people think more clearly in stressful situations and remain calm.

Drawbacks: After the user sees the happiness and good parts of the targets life, they will see all the bad parts of the users life that will happen to them in the future, even their death if it is part of the bad future.

The user will feel sad and emotional pain from the future vision. And be unable to explain the painful future that is awaiting the target.

The user can't use the quirk on them self.

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