The mermaid of Copenhagen - part 2

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The young girl clenched her hands into fists and tightened her jaw, irritated by his bad faith and his taunts. What a jerk! She looked away from away, raising her chin proudly up. "Alright, in that case, you can leave, Daoming Si. If you didn't already notice, I was taking lunch with my friends!"

She was aware he was still staring at her and preferred to ignore him. Her heart was beating so hard she thought he would escape from her cavity chest. She realized that Helle and her friends were watching her, utterly lost. "Do you know that boy, Shancai?" Asked the Danish girl, puzzled.

The young woman gulped, deeply blushing. She was about to answer when Daoming Si interrupted her suddenly, smiling smugly. He spoke Danish perfectly to the students' group. Shancai didn't understand at all what he said, but she saw Helle and her friends opened wide eyes, then nodded and burst into laughter.

Thereby, besides Mandarin, English, and French, Daoming Si could speak Danish as well! Shancai closed her eyes and dropped her head into her hands. For many reasons, she felt ashamed but also embarrassed, baffled, troubled, and upset. She wanted only one thing; she would like to be alone for a moment to clear her mind.

But it might not be possible. Helle turned toward her, looking more excited than usual; "Ooooh! Shancai! He's a student coming from the same faculty as you! And he told us you know each other quite well! That's so great!"

Shancai made an effort to smile back, but she was quite sure it looked more like a tense rictus. With a smug smile that Shancai wanted to disappear, Daoming Si turned toward her. "I was telling them that I would like that someone shows me the city." He said, sitting next to her. Shancai stiffened, and he casually put an arm against the back of her chair, his fingers brushing the young woman's shoulder slightly. "Everybody told me that, as we know each other and we speak the same language, you would be best to do it, wouldn't you?"

The young Chinese girl gulped. Aware that all her Danish friends were looking at her avidly and enthusiastically, she sighed. "Where do you stay?" She grumbled while Daoming Si smiled victoriously.

"On the harbor, in a resort near Nyhavn, after the theatre. I think it's the Admiral Hotel –"

The group of Danish people gasped, surprised while Shancai clenched her fists discreetly. He rented a room in one of the most luxurious Copenhagen hotels, of course! He couldn't help but attract attention! However, she didn't want to give him the pleasure to comment – even if it was admiring or bitter. So, she pretended to be indifferent and impassive and added, "When do you want to visit the city?"

Daoming Si smiled radiantly, and she had to look away. Her heart was beating so hard, and the warmth that settled in her body was so delightful it became unbearable. She shouldn't feel that she couldn't. What would happen to Qinghe and Xiaoyou if she did? "Tomorrow is Saturday; we won't have to go to the faculty." The Daoming group's young heir answered. "Come to my hotel at 9 a.m., and we'll spend the day together."

Shancai was astounded and opened wide eyes.

The whole day together?

The warmth in her body began progressively to burn her. Nevertheless, she noticed that Daoming Si was looking at her defiantly, and she stared at him with aplomb. He wanted to make her pay for their breakup? He wanted to get revenge because she ran away? Well, he could do it! She'd keep her head high. "Alright." She said. "Tomorrow morning, I'll come to the Admiral hotel at 9."


Shancai changed her clothing many times and looked in the mirror, her heart racing and growing more distressed. Winter comfortably settled on Copenhagen, and some snowflakes began to swirl outside. So, she knew she had to wear warm clothes – but she was hesitating.

Love and Pineapple (English)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن