F*cking romance

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Hi everybody!

Here a chapter I have edited myself - I'm afraid about mistakes! I hope it's not too awful!

It's a prompt coming from a project with:








I hope I've forgotten anyone !

F*cking romance

Since he was little, Daoming Si had never been fond of romance. It wasn't in his family's habit, his parents being workaholic, preferring pragmatical things over romance and other silliness even if they did love each other.

He hated love stories in anime. When the princess fell in love with the prince, he got angry, throwing all the things he had under his hand on the television, yelling it was so so boring!

He was disgusted by love stories in movies, finding that useless and not exciting at all. He didn't want to open even only one romantic book.

He couldn't stand to see Lei since he was a little child, so head over heels for Jing who seemed to see him only like a friend. Why would he stay in that f*cking friendzone while he was suffering? It was just simply stupid!

When Meizuo and Ximen began to flirt, he just wanted to puke with their silliness. Pink strawberry-flavored cards? Disgusting. Candlelight dinners? Sickening. Fake compliments? Hypocritical. What was their problem with their f*cking romance?

Then he met Dong Shancai.

At first, he didn't want to fall in love. He didn't want to accept that. He began to bully her, to make fun at her but he quickly discovered he just couldn't bear to be far away from her or to see her with another man.

He had to admit it.

He was madly in love with this tiny and fiery girl who opposed him, resisted him, making every second of his life even more interesting.

Ximen and Meizuo tried to teach him how to seduce her, but no way he sent her pink fruit-flavored or flower-flavored cards... Shancai would surely tear it or throw it on his head, shouting at him he was really stupid.

He would conquer her in his way, being Daoming Si.

And eventually, she fell in love with him. She fell madly in love. Head over heels.

No friend zone.

No silliness... or maybe only a meteor necklaces and roses, but it became a natural thing for him and he enjoyed seeing sparkles in Shancai's eyes.

They were only them, simply them.

But today it was different.

He gulped, not knowing what he had to do.

Was she serious?

She looked at him, smiling, radiant...

Damn! She was serious!

She had opened the Netflix program and showed him the list she had selected for their TV show and movies marathon night.

"Shancai..." He hissed. "And what if we watched 'Walking dead' or a historical drama? Game of Thrones? Marvel?"

His wife shook her head, making a face.

"Months ago, I would have accepted but today... no, I want to watch some optimistic and fluffy things! Do you mind?"

He gulped.


Only f*cking romance!

Chinese, Korean and Japanese dramas. Meteor garden first because her mother gave her the female lead's name. BBC Tv shows inspired by Jane Austen's book. English, French, American, Chinese and all the possible countries love movies!

"No, Shancai, I don't mind at all." He heard himself answer.

But what was the problem with him?

This night was going to be simply a nightmare!!!

Shancai sat comfortably on the sofa and began to watch the first movie.

Silliness overload.

Disgustingly dumb.

Sugary fluffy. He hated sugar.

He turned toward Shancai and his heart skipped a beat. She was smiling, beaming at the television screen. Her eyes were sparkling, her cheek slightly colored in pink.

She was so damn beautiful!

She noticed he was watching her and her smile became wider, drying his throat. She leaned her head on his shoulder, making him feel warm, happy, alive...

She delightfully sighed.

"AhSi?" She asked.

"Hmm..." He absentmindedly answered.

"Do you think she is enjoying it?" She asked, stroking delicately her round belly.

Daoming Si looked at her and put his hand on her stomach, laughing.

"Shancai! Are you aware she can't see anything?"

His wife pouted.

"I'm sure she's aware I'm delighted, I'm happy because I'm enjoying my movie! And if I watched the walking dead, she would have felt my fear!"

Daoming Si rolled his eyes and leaned toward her pregnant belly.

"Please little girl, don't enjoy romance too much... I hate these movies!" He looked at her mother, kissed her tenderly then go back to her stomach. "I beg you; I don't want to see these f*cking romance anymore!"

Shancai frowned:

"Daoming Si! Language! She could hear you!"

He rolled his eyes.

"Oh my! She can't understand!"

Shancai glared at him and he kissed the belly. "Sorry little girl, don't listen to your daddy!" Then he kissed lovingly his wife, preparing himself for a long night of f*cking romance.


Love and Pineapple (English)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin