Daoming Si nunquam titillandus - Part 2: Spice

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Good evening everybody!

Here the second part of my new story with a new prompt.

It's still part of a project with









Enjoy! I hope there are not too many mistakes!

Daoming Si nunquam titillandus – Part 2: Spice

The Hogwart first banquet of the year was spectacular, as usual. Madam McGonagall, the school headmistress, did her traditional speech then they could have their meal which was just delicious. Shancai didn't even notice that Daoming Si's dark and piercing look, from Slytherin table, was focused on her for the all evening.

It was with a full belly that Shancai went to bed and she had a heavy sleep until the next morning. If she had a lighter sleep, maybe she would have noticed there was a stranger in her dorm in the middle of the night.

She would have seen him stopping at the end of her bed and staring at her an instant, troubled, breathless. Then she would have heard him catching his breath, dropping something, and walking away as quickly and silently as he came in. But she didn't notice anything and woke up the next morning when her alarm rang.

There was a deathly silence in the room and it was quite disturbing because the girls were generally quite noisy. When she was totally woken, she saw Xiaoyou and Lizhen at the end of her bed, staring at something, with a pale face.

She sat up and it was then she saw it.

The red card.

The F4's card.

She had the feeling that someone just spilled a bucket of ice-cold water on her head. She closed her eyes and tried to keep her calm. "Did someone else saw it?" She softly asked to Xiaoyou and Lizhen.

Xiaoyou said silently 'no', shaking her head and Lizhen shrugged while, her face seemingly impassive, Shancai burnt the card with a spell.

"Even if we keep it secret, it would be useless." Said Lizhen, shivering and slightly acid. "It'll be a great delight for Daoming Si to tell it to everyone."

Shancai jumped down of her bed, chin up. "I'm not afraid of him!" She daringly said.

Lizhen pouted. "Let's talk about that in a few hours when Daoming Si will begin to torture you, ok?" She said dryly.

Shancai gulped. She wasn't wrong. Just thinking about that gave her some goosebumps and she felt nauseous.

She closed her eyes, deeply sighed.

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