Kenny x weeb!reader

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I was awoken from my world of anime when I heard a knock on my window. I layed up from my bed. "WHOS AWOKEN ME FROM MY SLUMBER!" I looked at my window, "heya, y/n!" He said. I jumped back closing my window and curtains. 'Shit shit shittt' I thought to myself as I covered up my walls of anime posters. All the time I've been here, I've kept my weeb ways secret. I calmed down opening the window greeted by, Kenny, again. "Hey ken." He smiled. "What was that about?" He tried to peek in my window. I, ofcorse, blocked his view. "Nuh uh. Bitch don't even try." He rolled his eyes, "before I fall out of this me by Starks Pond. Kay?" I nodded, slightly confused. Then it happened. "AHHHh fUck Y/n hElp meeee" I was concerned but it was kinda funny. I went back inside and changed into my f/c sweater with leggings and a leather jacket.

...Time skip bc I ain't creative tbh...

I walked. Legs feeling numb do to the cold winter air. Then I saw mcCormick. Standing in front of the pond. Wearing something other then his parka. I walked over to him and tapped his shoulder. "Hey ken you okay?" He was laughing. Louder and louder. "W..what?! Did I do something fun..funny?!" His laughter died down. "I noticed you were hiding your love for anime. Did you..hah..did you know I was in an anime?" My eyes widened. "The hell!? that possible?! I mean...I need to google this right now..wh..what's it called?!" I took out my phone and noticed...I didn't even try to cover up the fact I was hiding it. "W..wait! I.. I don't like anime! It's lame! Haha..hah..." he looked at me with the 'are-you-serious-' look. "Dude it's too late but.." he grabbed my hands. He was so warm. So..fricking warm. "Yknow y/n..I like-no I fucking love you. No matter what you like whether it's anime, cats...a foot fetish. I don't care! you no matter what y/n" he looked down awkwardly. "I UhMM..sorry." I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. "K..ken..kwnny fucking McCormick. Be my boyfriend...please?" He smiled. "Yes you beautiful weeb."

Kenny McCormick OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now