1:2 Why was I sad?

Start from the beginning

The teacher is there with a belly the size of a goddamn truck, and with a wizard's hat that looked like crap. I felt pretty bad for him because the jiggle physics weren't helping him walk. He did a small storm around the vicinity behind the table and then slammed his hands on the surface of the table. I saw his eyes were ready to charge someone with a death stare, and then I see him looking at one unfortunate student that bit the bullet.

"You!" He said in a loud and commanding voice that signified that most of his happy days were over. "Tell me, how does magic work!?"

When he asks a question like that, I feel like he is wanting to get killed by an actual magician. Some teachers were dumb and had little sense to back up their knowledge, wait did I say knowledge? I meant to say the lack of knowledge and lack of wisdom and the lack of sense. You genuinely can't find stupider people even if you tried.

"Uh...can I see the textbook?" The shy kid said. "No! Didn't you read it the house?" He said like a complete and literal douchebag.

The kid was nervous I could tell, his name was Hock Tenser, a kid that was very shy and tired in most of his days. He was known to stay up all night binging TV. I went up to him and asked him about everything he did, to see what type of person he was. He was the type of guy to screw up in life and make less than what he is capable of making; his words, not mine. We did become a little chummier, but my memory is hazy, and I barely can see crap from what I remember.

I snap out of the trance that put me in my memories. It's an illusion spell that gives me the ability to look in my mind, but the way it works is like this: I have to have an electric circuit between my neurons that releases electrical impulses that remind me of certain things. It is quite fascinating, but nerdy, so I'll move on. With this spell, there was more of a sleeping effect, like a dream, I remember some people who used to project their memories for others to see, and it was a marvel, but people's lives are mostly boring and shallow, nothing much happens in these memories except for the slight glimpse of people doing something embarrassing, or accidentally leaking secrets due to some sight in the memory. I think I need to renter trance, so I'll try to recreate what happened just now.

I laid down and then suddenly opened my eyes to find myself standing with myself in class. "And this is how magic works. Do you get it now Tenser?" said the jerk of a teacher. "Yes sir, I got it." Tenser replied, quite sadly and in a kneejerk way.

I was just looking at the lesson and I thought that most of that was just boring, so I started fast-forwarding and walking past a few desks to see some of the kids behind the class. Oh wait, I don't think we were in a class, oh yes! It was the gym; the gym was where we were. There was a board and the tables and seats were attached, and I saw the bleachers on the dimly lit sides of the corners in the middle and doors that lead to the corridor in the school and the exit from the school. They were behind the board and in front of the board respectively. My memory tricks me and my mind still makes up things but bear with me. Even talking to myself makes me require patience from myself...weird...

As I see we are now doing a test about some of the stuff that the teacher taught us, at least I learned on my own and not by a failed education system. I ponder to myself and I start to write down my questions patiently. My eyes were set on the paper and I was ready to write everything down to a precise letter. I look behind the class and some of the kids in the back were pulling out straws and paper; then they started to chew the paper; then look at me with a side-eye view; then aim; then shoot.

One of the spitballs has hit my head and being the disgruntled little kid that I was, I raise my hand to ask the teacher something.

"Yes, boy, what do you want?" he said annoyed. "Sir, my name is..."

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