Promise X

178 8 0

It's almost a week since I found out I have brain cancer.........

I tried to be the best girlfriend........

Even tho you didn't notice.......

I cooked you breakfast.......

Ironing your suit the night before you go to work.......

Packed you're lunch......

and even washed your clothes......

I tried to smile and be bright even though I'm not

Everyday I felt so hurt .......

so broken...

just like a broken mirror...

Just like my heart.......

When you enter our house from your work....

I always noticed.....

your swollen lips.........

hickies around your neck.........

And your perfume.....

I know you have another woman....

But I shrug and think positive....


You still love me........

That,I was the only girl you loved........

That you can't live without me...........

I just remember your promise to me....

'You're my world.I promise that I cherish you no matter what'

But just like your other promises.

Their meant to be broken........

Just like me......

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