But then the Alpha swiped out a paw, barely missing Miss Anderson as she narrowly dodged the attack. At the same moment she swung the sword, clipping off tiny individual hairs on the Alpha's paw, but never breaking the skin. Isaac took this distraction as an opportunity to break his circle and pounce forward, his jaws agap in a vicious howl. Miss Anderson didn't have the time to dodge him as he crashed into her, his body weight alone snapping her ribcage but I knew it wouldn't phase someone as heavily armoured as her. She did however roll from the impact, tumbling against Isaac so they both came to a hasty halt. She managed to hold her sword, and now her being under him, had the perfect opportunity to strike the tip up into his heart. He seemed to sense this weakness as well because he made a move to jump away from her but not before the Alpha had regained his composure and had raked his claws down her chest, but her armour never broke. The claw marks seemed to drill itself the armour, sending out a cracked and eerie noise that made all the wolves in the clearing flinch. Miss Anderson only laughed, moving to drive her sword towards Isaac but he leapt away, only just managing to avoid her action.

"What I don't understand is how a man so devoted to his daughter could still manage to slaughter and turn dozens of children," Miss Anderson breathed, her voice risen with criticism, causing the Alpha to snarl and move to take a bite of the only exposed bit of skin on her. Her neck.

But she rolled to the side, dodging the attack entirely, leaving the Alpha with a mouthful of snow. This, she found, extremely amusing as she twisted her sword so it whirled in a wide arc. She reached down with one hand to retrieve a throwing knife looped in a belt.

Isaac saw the flash of the knife and dove to stop her attack but he didn't reach her in time before she swung it, its blade shining in the moonlight before it struck the Alpha in the haunches. He howled with anger, his eyes almost darkening into a shady yellow as a snarl tore from his chest.

I couldn't sit here and do nothing. The Alpha and Isaac couldn't kill her without breaking her neck or completely tearing off her head, and that was too close of a contact without being stabbed by her sword.

I spun in my spot, desperately searching for a weapon of some sort. From afar I saw a wolf pounce on a warrior, digging its claws into the man's back as it snapped its jaws around his neck. The warrior attempted to shoot towards its attacker but the wolf jerked its head in one twist, snapping the neck of the warrior within seconds, leaving him to drop the gun. The wolf discarded the body and turned to hound upon two more warriors.

I burst forward, dodging through various warriors and wolves, barely managing to duck under a swinging axe. I nearly reached the discarded gun before a piercing pain went up my leg, causing me to stumble enough to crash into the snow. I rolled to a stop, conscious of the snow that clung to my exposed skin and began to sting my face. The smell of blood instantly hit my nose and I turned to see a knife wedged into my lower leg, digging deep into my flesh just above my ankle. I let out a grunt of pain as a fire seemed to seep up my leg, tiny needle like pricks attacking my flesh so it felt like poisonous ants were crawling up my leg. But then I saw I saw the shadow who had thrown the dagger.

A warrior walked towards me, their identity unfamiliar to me, although they shared the same manic smile that Miss Anderson possessed. He had a ginger hair and blazing blue eyes that reminded me of Fins, however they weren't lit with curiosity, instead they were dark with melancholy, embedded with the emotion of madness so I was left to stare at two dark pits of death.

I gritted my teeth against the pain in my leg, attempting to scramble away as he advanced but he reached me in one swift movement. He let out a deep cackle, his voice like knives against my ears as I cringed.

"So this must be the precious Renee everyone is talking about," He chuckled, watching as I feebly tried to move away from him but every time he would just close the distance. "The First Descendant as The Huntress likes to say."
"I am not one of them." I spat back, holding back the tears that began to cloud my vision.

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