Ten Years, Where they Gone?

254 18 8

May, 1975

Keith sat on the kitchen counter while I made dinner. We were having pork chops, and Roger and Heather were coming over later to join us. Keith and I were in a heated discussion about drum solos.

"I happen to like them, I think you should solo every once in awhile." I say as I rub spices into the pork. Keith licks his pinkie and tries to dip it into the salt, but I swat his hand away.

"No, they're boring as hell, I can't stand 'em. If you want 10 minute drum solos go date John Bonham!" Keith fakes disgust.

"Oh, shut up, Bonzo's got nothin' on my current boyfriend, Keith Moon. He's a real looker.''

Keith cracks up. "Tell me more about your boyfriend!"

"Well, he's kinda short, but not as short as I. He also has this insane mind, he is obsessed with destroying things and explosives. I find it to be a major turn-on," I smirk. "He also has this cute little haircut, and has me cut it because he's afraid of the barber--"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"...am not..."

"Oh just shut up already!" I smile as I wash the grease off my hands and pop the pork into the oven.

"You forgot to mention one thing about your boyfriend..." I turn around and Keith is right there, a tiny smile on his lips. "Oh? And what would that be?"

Keith moves in closer and puts each hand on either side of the counter, keeping me from moving.

"You left out the part about how smart and charming and sexy he is." Keith leans his forehead against mine. I grin and blow air into his face.

"That's it!" Keith pulls me into his arms in a heated kiss. After all these years, we haven't gotten tired of each other. We still act as silly as we did ten years ago. Damn, ten years. Where did they go?

Keith pulls away from me and smiles. He hugs me and begins to kiss my neck. Hopefully Roger and Heather wouldn't walk in on us...

"Can I ask ya something?" Keith asks while still very much focused on my neck.

"You just did, Moonie," I joke.

Keith lightly tickles my side, letting me know he's being serious.

"Okay, shoot."

"Will ya marry me?"

I froze. Did Keith ask what I think he just asked?

"Um, are you for real?"

Keith pulls back and looks into my eyes. "Quite. I think its about time we did it. Only if you want to, though."

"Well, of course I do." Outside, I was cool and calm, but on the inside, I was screaming with joy. Keith has always been there for me, for the past 15 (?) years. He's never left my side in all that time. And whenever I see him, hear him, think of him, I fall in love all over again. He's the only man I could ever imagibe spending the rest of my life with.

"I shoulda done this back in '65, when I bought this." Keith produces a silver engagement ring from his pocket. Its small, but I see markings inside it. He hands the ring to me, it has a tiny diamond in the center. I squint to read the inside inscription. It reads, You're the moon of my life. Just like on the necklace I gave to Keith for Christmas in 1965.

I looked to Keith through watery eyes. "I love you, Keith John Moon. I always will."

Keith gives me a goofy grin and kisses my forehead. "I'd say we're as good as married after that."

A/n: A long time coming, right?

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