I'm falling for a ghost boy who claims he knows me

Start from the beginning

"Girls, here's the class signups. Remember pick math or science. Choose wisely. And three other classes" A teacher said handing them some papers as they walked by.

"Thanks Ms.Cher" Jane said taking a paper.

They grabbed a seat at the lunch table where everyone else was.

A new principal of the boarding school gave a boring speech about how we would always be welcomed to Richard Hansel. A.k.a thier school.

Then she saw a boy walk into the lunch room.

He had shimmery light brown blond hair. The color of caramel sunshine. And his eyes were a dark navy blue. He was wearing a black tee shirt tight against him
with a pair of light blue jeans and gray vans.

He saw her a moment, but Larissa looked away quickly. He seemed farmiliar somehow. To Fisher possibly?

"Larissa, Jane, would you be so kind as to welcome our newest student Coltrin?" Coltrin looked at us with expressionless eyes but he seemed to smile.

"Sure. Hi Coltin I'm Jane. This is Larissa. Have a seat" Jane slid over as Coltin sat and he hadn't said a word yet. Larissa wondered if he was the quiet type.

"So where do you come from?" Jane asked. She apperantly liked him.

"Just New York" Coltin said soft as the breeze blowing by. It was like a whisp through the air, a quick ever so movement you almost could not feel it.

"Which dorm do you have?" Jane asked.

"Thirteen" Coltin said expressionlessly.

Larissa stayed quieter than Coltin the entire time. But when Lunch ended the three parted ways and Jane and Larissa went to see what more there was.

There was a lounge and a game room like a hotel. A lot of students flooded that room so the two went to see what else there was.

"Boring Garden" Jane said rushing past it.

"Wait" Larissa said. Jane stopped and looked at her suprised.

"Umm. You go ahead. I want to look here"

"Don't get lost on me" Jane only said and walked away.

"I hope I don't" Larissa told herself and then went into the garden.

Butterfly's flew up towards the papery cieling. Color's burst within the lime green plants. Some hung by the windows, other's on the floor. There were
rows of them. And a pathway with a little bench. And the door was held open- to the outside.

Larissa walked out just as the breeze began to pick up. She could feel it whisper down her skin as she peered around at the ever so beautiful landscape.

Tree's bowed down hanging like willow's but more or so they looked like cherry blossum's. A mix of the two was a tree undescribable. So Larissa lay under one.

She looked up at the birds nested in it's cave.

She never wanted to leave. But maybe this was a dream too. She thought. Of course it can't get this good. I'll have to be waking up anytime now right?

I mean, the part where the good stuff happens in the dream is always where it ends...

She didn't wake.

But she did hear noises.

"Is someone out here?" A voice asked.

"Only me" Larissa said.

A person peered in.

It was a teacher.

"Students are prohibited to go out here" He said angrily.

She got up and left.

After that she tried to find Jane and ended up having Jane find her.

"There is a dance in a few weeks!" She cried. "They never have those at our old school. Now we can finally go to one"

"There's been dances" Larrissa corrected.

"Yeah but this is an actual real one" Jane said and they both knew what she meant. No teacher was going to host it, balloons in red blues and greens
weren't going to flood the cieling, and no music like Hannah Montanna and Justin Bieber was going to play.

"Anyways glad I ran into you. There's so much more you have to see" Jane said and grabbed her friends hand and pulled her along.

The next room they went to was a fitness room and a pool that was connected by a glass wall with doors.

The one after that was a coffee shop and an upstairs hangout with a tv and couches.

Then came the library.

Larissa went in, without Jane of course because she thought that was boring.

But Larissa had always been somehow interested in them. It was like a home to her. A safe place to go when she needed suport.

And it was so calm there. That was especially what she needed with the whole school and Fisher thing.

So she went in. No one appeared to be there. Bookshelves pooled the room. But in the middle of it were tables  and a few computers lined the sides.

She heard talking.
She stopped to listen to it, trying to hide behind a shelf.

"Damn it Grace. She thinks I'm some new kid! She doesn't even know me. I thought this would be a good change, but I'm already hating it" Someone


Larissa crept slightly to the side to lean over and see.
He had seen her.

Larissa blushed and saw as he slowly put his phone down.

"Call you later Grace" He said and then went up to her.

"Where you listening to me?" He asked.

"No, well..." She said tounge tied.

"I guess it doesn't really matter. I have to go" He said and was gone.

Jane came in passing by him as he left. And he looked mad.

"What's his problem?" She asked.

Larissa shook her head.

"Oh. Well. I just was bored so I came here to hang out"

"Truthfully I just want to go home"


"Cause I didn't ask to be in a boarding school! I don't want to get rid of my clothes, nor be more confused than I already am" She said.

She had just let it out on Jane and didn't mean to.

"Oh. Well I don't know. I guess it kind of sucks when you put it that way" Jane said akwardly.

"Yeah. Well, I'm bored too is there anything else to do?"

"Not really. Dinner's in like an hour"

"I'll stay here then. Your choice if you want to" Larissa said and went to go read a book.

"You know your a lot different than you used to be" Someone said. And Larissa thought it may be Jane.

"What?" She said looking up from a book she'd been reading.

Jane was gone.

I'm falling for a ghost boy who claims he knows meWhere stories live. Discover now