Chapter Seven: Once A Lover, Now A Friend

Start from the beginning

"Angel, I want to talk to Toris. But I promise we won't go far."

Angel nodded, he knew I needed this. I needed some sort of closure and understanding between Toris and I. Rovick and Angel started to clean up the house as I went to the front door. Toris looked at me concerned and followed behind me.

He must be thinking I want to kill him or something along the lines of that. Once we had reached a nice and dry spot under a nearby tree. I sat down under it and motioned for him to sit. He looked confused and sat in front of me but at an arm's length away.

"Toris, do you regret the things you did?"

"I didn't have control over my body, and I hate myself for what I've done to you, Gorenora. I loved you, truly."

My heart stung as I looked at him. He was being so sincere.

"Gorenora, I know what I did. I forced myself on you and I hurt you. I know saying it wasn't me won't change anything. But I want you to know. I would do anything to make it up to you. I'd end my life if I had to in order to somehow turn back time and take that all back. If I had known then, what I know now. I would have ended my life like the others before letting the sickness set in. I don't know why your father didn't just kill me. I would have."

"Toris, I'm not angry anymore. My bonding with Angel has healed all those old wounds. I just needed some sort of closure. I want us to be friends again. Like old times."

He looked at me wide-eyed and stood up.

"Even after everything? So, you don't want to kill me?"

I laughed and stood up as well, setting a hand on his shoulder.

"You really thought I'd kill one of the best soldiers my Father has? Besides, I have no ill feelings towards you anymore. You were sick. But before all that, you were my best friend. Even when you were sick. As much as it hurt. I still cared about you."

"I guess. Thank you, Gorenora. The other Gods may call you a monster, but you have a bigger heart than all of them combined. You are a true Goddess."

"Don't thank me yet, you might get bored here on Earth. Now, let's go have some dinner. I'm famished."

I felt better after talking to Toris. A small part of me missed those old days, but that was before I mated with Angel. He changed everything and made me complete again. Before Toris was sick and we were courting, he never warmed my heart. Even with him, my heart was ice cold and if we hadn't been together when he got sick, Toris wouldn't be here. He would have taken his life, like the other soldiers. He also wouldn't have gotten so sick and hurt me.

But I'm happy he's better now. Before we courted, he was my best friend and we grew up together. My emotions were starting to get to me and suddenly I wasn't so hungry. As we walked inside Toris went straight to Rovick's side in the kitchen and I looked for Angel.

It didn't take me long to find him. After he helped Rovick clean he jumped into the shower. I closed the bedroom door behind me and walked into the bathroom. He was still in the shower, so I closed the bathroom door and stripped out of my clothing.

"Hello, my Sweet."

"Hello, Love."

His voice instantly brought a smile to my face and I pulled the curtain to the side to join him. He turned around to face me and smiled. The warm water was steaming up the bathroom and I watched as it ran down Angel's lean form.

"Like what you see?" He teased and snaked an arm around my waist.

"Of course."

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