Chapter 2

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Few weeks before .....

It was getting difficult for you to stay inside the house all day. This loneliness was really depressing to you. You couldn't take this isolation any longer and decided to talk about this to Taehyung.He was possessive and short tempered.He didn't want you to go out talk with unknown people especially men.For him you are his precious belonging whom he wanted to keep locked and safe. You knew it that it is not easy to make his mind but you didn't want to get trapped in his house afterall you were a human. You decided to make his favourite dish for dinner so that he would get happy and let you go outside. You cleaned the whole house and decorated it with flowers and candles especially the bedroom.You decorated it like a honeymoon resort and why not?  You wanted to make this night special after all.After doing everything you just went for a shower and got ready wearing a sexy black dress which he gifted you on your first Anniversary.

You looked at the clock showing 09:00 PM.It was already late.You were waiting impatiently sitting on your sofa prepared to surprise him. After some minutes  you heard the door bell and went running to open it, there you found taehyung,he came back from work all tired and  sleepy.He didn't even look at you and fell straight on the couch loosing his tie and unbuttoning his shirt.He wasn't in the mood to even talk. You came running and hugged him from back hoping to get his attention.

Taehyung-Y/N....I'm tired!!! Bring me some water please!!!

You handed him a glass of water and stand still besides him waiting for him to respond.He looked unbothered.He leaned his head on sofa and kept his eyes closed for some minutes.He opened his eyes and looked around the house and surprised to see all those decorations because as good as he remember there was not any anniversary or birthday or anything like that.

Taehyung -Amazing job!! Is there anything special ??  It's like Christmas is here!!You decorated everything? Am I forgetting our anniversary or what?

You-"Nothing special!!  Just wanted to make this night memorable.I hope you like it" You said while giggling.Taehyung realized your intentions.He knew that how you act when you need him or something else.He smirked and licked his lips.You always get him turned on while acting cute but weird.


You-Ah..... It's hurting!!! Please be gentle !!!!!please......Ah..... You moaned gripping bed sheets tightly and holding back the pain he was giving to you.
The sensation of pain was strong and sharp and you felt like tearing apart from inside but you were in your high and didn't want Taehyung to stop so you just closed your eyes.Taehyung didn't notice your tears which were coming from your eyes and kept thrusting into you harder and harder.You let out a loud moan, pushing your hands into his hair, fingers twirling around strands of his hair, pulling hard.You grabbed his shoulders tightly and He began to sped up, your lips trembled, your moans getting loud. Just then, he hit the spot, your jaw dropped and arms wrapping even tighter around him. He smirked thrusting deeper, harder, faster. Soon you both came and he laid down next to you panting and in no time fell asleep.After this rough session,you felt weak ,tired and pain all over your body but this is nothing for you.The only thing you knew was you can never get enough of him.He is obsessed with you and so as you. You would never stop loving him even if he chokes you to death.It was clear that you were blind in his love and always crave for his touch. His love for you was deep,dark and painful but you were obsessed with it

In morning, When you felt lights coming through the window.You slowly opened your eyes before covering them with your hand.You realized It's late in the morning and you were getting late so you decided to go and get up quickly. You felt like you had a serious fight with someone as every muscle in your body aching with pain especially the lower parts of your body.You felt your soft blanket wrapped around your naked body. You remembered last night and blushed to think how you both crossed every limits of Love. Your body was sore and aching but you were loving this pain.You looked at Taehyung Who was sleeping peacefully besides you. You turned your head in his direction and kissed him softly.He was a Dream to anyone so beautiful like an angel.You never imagined that one day he would become yours. You were lost in your thoughts when you heard your phone ringing. You picked up to hear a familiar voice.It was Hoseok,your childhood friend.As you just recognized the voice you felt like crying as it had been so long since you saw him.He was the one special friend who was always there for you in your bad and good times.You talked with him for almost an hour on the phone talking about everything.You were dying to meet him but the only problem was taehyung.You had no idea how taehyung would react on this so you decided to make an excuse to go outside and meet hoseok.
Taehyung was in shower and you were making breakfast for him. You placed plates on the table and called taehyung.He dressed up and came for the breakfast.It was all silence until you came up with a talk.
You-I was thinking can I go out today? I mean I think we need to buy some groceries and other household essentials.
Taehyung-I don't think you need to go out   as if you need anything just tell me I will buy it for you.
You-No!  Actually ! Um......
Taehyung - What?? He raised his eyebrows and looked at you in confusion.
You - Actually..... I-I-I.. get-t b-bored in this house a-all day so, can-n.. I- I go out just for today??
Taehyung -Okay!!  You can go but only for today. He said and got up from the table. You were shocked how easily he agreed but little did you knew that taehyung allowed you to go out only so that he could surprise you by meeting you outside.He was actually planning to take you to the lunch date after taking half day from the work. You were not aware about taehyung's plan. As taehyung left for work,you quickly called hoseok and asked him to meet you at your nearby coffee shop where you and tae always go. You felt bad for lying to taehyung but he wouldn't allow you if you ever tell him the truth so without wasting anymore time you got yourself ready and headed out to meet hoseok.
Hoseok- Y/N!!! It's been long time.How are you?? He asked while hugging you.
You-I'm all good....Tell me how are you?
Hoseok-I'm a hope to hopeless people so Im always good.How about you? How have you been??  Is everything good?
You- I really missed you so much!!
He chuckled and hit you lightly on your back.You both took your time eating and drinking and talked about a lot of old memories that you both shared when you were kids. It was so much fun for you talking with him without interruption .He always makes you laugh and is a fun to have around.You both were in your world when suddenly you felt yourself roughly pulled by your arm.Hoseok stood up from his seat shocked looking behind you.You turned around and saw taehyung standing. Your eyes widened in fear and heart stopped beating when you saw him.He was looking so mad and without saying anything he pulled your wrist tightly and dragged you to his car.You tried to speak but he didn't listen anything and threw you on the car seat,closed the door and drove off to home.
You both reached at home.Taehyung opened the door and went inside leaving the door open for you.You followed him trying to talk to him but he was not responding.Suddenly he stopped and turned around coming closer to you. You tried to speak but felt a hard slap on your face.You fell on your back.He grabbed you up by your hair and slammed your face against the wall.He went to the table started throwing everything off at the wall in your direction,you get panicked and tears started filling your eyes at the sight of seeing him like this .He was angry but crying in frustration.
Taehyung -Why the hell you lied to me??? Who is he??  Are you cheating? Tell me???  What are you hiding from me??  My love is nothing for you???
He shouted at you and you shook your head in fear while walking to him to tell the truth.
You-  Taehyung Stop! Let me explain this!!  Please!!
Taehyung -Explain??  I'll show you how I ask for explanation.
You -No! Please!
He pushed you harshly that you fell on the hard floor hurting your back.You groaned in pain. He stepped on your hand and started crushing on it. You screamed in pain and asked him to stop but he was not in the mood to listen to anyone.He was out of control and more likely to kill you anytime.He went back grabbed his wine bottle spilled wine on you and smashed the bottle on the floor.You stand up using your full strength and pushed taehyung to run away in other room and locked the door from inside.You knew it that it's no use to hide here as he would break the door and come so you decided to end this for good.You were had enough of it. You were broken and depressed to see him like this. You grabbed a broken piece of glass and cut your wrist with it. Blood started coming out and all you could feel was pain and unconsciousness.In minutes you lost conscious and went black out.
You woke up in a hospital. You looked around and saw your wrist was wrapped up, the same with your head. You were shocked to see yourself still alive but you knew it that tae will kill you anyway.You pulled the covers off you and tried to get up but failed. The door opened and your eyes widened to a beautiful person  walked in smiling, with a white overcoat and a diary in his hands that has his name on it written Jin.
Jin -You are awake!  Good! I was just talking with your husband.he is really worried about you.I should tell him that  you are fine.He's waiting outside. I should call.....
You-No!  Please!  Please  Don't call him!!! You said while crying.Jin was shocked to see you like this. He didn't understand your fear from your own husband.You begged him and tried to convince him to let you go. At first he didn't believe you, thinking you might be lying but you told him everything and asked for help while crying non stop .Luckily he was not only beautiful but kind hearted too.He trusted you and agreed to help you to runaway from the hospital.With that he stood up and made his way out and went to taehyung who was waiting impatiently.
Tae - Doctor!  How is she?Is she fine!?  I hope everything is OK.. Did she say anything?? Taehyung asked with a worried face.
Jin -Don't worry she's completely fine!!She's resting so it's better not to wake her up.
Tae-When can I meet her?
Jin -Meet?  Don't worry You can take her home now.
Taehyung -Really??  Are you sure doctor?
Jin-Yes!!!  One more thing, I need you there in my room  Mr. Kim,We are discharging her so we need you need to do some paperwork.Come let's go!
As planned, Jin took taehyung away so that you have some time to get yourself out from the room.You saw everyone was busy in their work and that's the only chance you had. You get out from the room and made your way to end of the hall. You tried to act calm so you don't look suspicious.You were weak but still trying to walk fast as you can.As you reached at Hospital's main gate,you called Hoseok and asked him to pick you up.He lives near that area so he reached there in no time.You saw him coming and quickly got inside in his car.Hoseok didn't have any idea of what was happening.He knows about you and taehyung but wasn't fully aware of your relationship with him.He didn't know about his personality nor he was aware of his abusive Behavior. You wanted to tell him everything but you remained calm as telling him everything will only make him in danger.You can't stay with hoseok as you know if taehyung ever finds this out what will he do.  Taehyung is Evil and he will never hesitate to kill the person who comes between you and him.
In hospital,
Staff -Mr Kim! We are Sorry!  We couldn't find your wife. She's nowhere to see.
Taehyung -........
Staff-Mr Kim?  Are you listening?
Taehyung face was calm but his eyes were all red with  tears.He was looking sad but scary at the same time.He already has realized out about your runaway.He was mad at your betrayal.He didn't say anything to anyone and started walking out from the Hallway.Everyone started looking at him with shock and fear.
To be continued.....

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