fighting in front of our friends prank! chapter 36

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Jade's POV

So the kids have been sent to my mom's so axel&i can start this prank and do it right ariana,tristan&miles are coming over and we are gonna fight in front of them to get their reactions

"Axel? Why are you in a mood?" I ask

"Because you said jensen ackles is hot!" He says

I shake my head "but you said you'd fuck ariana grande so how the fuck am i in the wrong here?"

"It's the principal of it i even said no offense babe" he says

"No you fucking didn't don't even start lying" i snap


Tears overwhelm my eyes "I'M NOT YOUR BEING A FUCKING JERK!" i scream

"Hey babes, babes come on let's go out on the patio yeah?" Ariana asks

"Fine whatever!" I say crying

"Dude what's up?" Miles asks

"Bro she's acting like a bitch" axel says

"Dude no she isn't you started it by getting mad at her for saying an actor is hot what's wrong with that?? You said you wanna fuck ariana grande so what's the difference??" Tristan asks

"Dude she didn't say no offense baby"he says

"Dude from what it seems you didn't either" miles says

"Hey axel, jade is full on crying" ariana says

"What? Ugghhh bro can you get her back in here please?" He asks

"I'll try babes!!" Ariana beams

"Yeah?" I ask

"Come on back up" she says smiling

I nod and wipe my tears

"Hey" axel says

"Hey" i simply say

"I'm sorry for yelling and saying you were acting like a bitch i was out of line" he says smiling

I nod "i shouldn't have yelled either it just annoyed me because if you can do it then why can't i?"

He nods "i understand love forgive me?"

I smile "of course dork" i say hugging him he hugs back

"Hey guys, guys this was a prank!" Axel beams

"What?" Miles asks

"Wait,wait,wait it was fake?" Tristan asks

"Hold up! Really? You faked those tears?" Ariana asks

"Mmm hmm y'all should know he'd never call me a bitch" i say laughing

"Yeah i thought that was werid" tristan says smiling

"So you kind of caught on but went with it anyways?" Axel asks

"Eh hit&miss honestly" miles says laughing

"Well jee thanks dude so appericated" axel says laughing

"You are very welcome bro" miles says laughing

"Ah i miss my babies now!" I beam

"Right here!" My mom beams

"Mommy!" Arieana  beams

"Daddy!" Axel jr beams

(I changed the spelling of their daughter so you all aren't confused lol should have thought about that before :p)

"My princess arieana!" I beam

She hugs me i hug back "i love you mommy!"

"I love you more babygirl" i say kissing her cheek, forehead, hands

She giggles "mommy! I'm ticklish"

"I know nom, nom,nom,nom" i say laughing

A/N: see you in the next one! 3 more after this!

Devils&Angels 18+Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ