supernova chapter 12

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Jade's POV

So axel&i are on talking terms now but we aren't together right now which i honestly hate but i just need to figure this all out


"You won't get away with this lex"

"Hahaha oh but i will axel" lex says laughing

"You can't get my power i have none anymore" he says

"Oh don't worry I'm not after your powers I'm after your pretty little friend's powers" lex says laughing

"Don't you dare touch her do what you want to me leave her alone" he says

"Axel? Really? Your trying this game?" Lex asks

"It's not a game it's reality"  axel says

"Ah yes and reality is that your little girlfriend or friend whatever she is to you will be killed" lex says laughing

《Back at school》

"Are you jade?" Someone asks

"Umm yes why?" I ask

"Come with us" they say

"Okay" i say following them

We get to the courtyard of the school and we sit and talk

"We are archangels and I'm keli" one says

"I'm kane" another says

"And I'm grace" the last says

"No to be rude but what do you want with me?" I ask

"We just want you to becareful because lex luthor isn't playing games and he has axel" keli says

"What? Please tell me your lying?" I ask

"I'm an angel i wouldn't lie dear" she says

I sigh "so what do i do?" I ask

"We are going to rescue him then put lex luthor out of his misery" grace says

"Okay so what's the plan?" I ask

"You go in wearing heavy equipment under your clothes, grace will be on the roof waiting to jump him, kane&i will be right behind you with guns and knives" keli says

"Okay so when do we execute it?" I ask

"We don't want to give lex any suspicion so we strike in 3 days" kane says

"Okay" i say

"For now go to your classes as normal and we will get everything else done" grace says

"Kk" i say

"And we will be in touch with you" kane says as they leave

I sigh "no wonder he hasn't replied to me because he's being held against his will" i say out loud

{The next few days flew by soon it was the day we strike}

"Alright grace help her equip and I'll help her get dressed" keli says smiling

"And you'll have to wear black for lex to fall for it" grace says

"Got it" i say smiling

They throw my hair in a long ponytail apply make up I'm wearing black skinny jeans, long black thigh high boots,a black cami with a black leather jacket

"How does she look?" Grace asks

"Amazing!" Keli beams

"Gorgeous" kane says smiling

"Let's do this" i say nodding


"I swear if you touch her your dead lex" axel says

"Empty threats my boy" lex says

¤door opens and closes¤

"Who's there?" Lex asks

"Sup?" I ask

"Well what a lovely surprise your on my side?" Lex asks

{I need to play along so the plan will work}

"Yeah problem?" I ask

"Not at all I'm so happy" lex says laughing

"Lex go get more supplies" i say

"Right" he says leaving

I go over to axel and kiss him he kisses back "i thought?" He asks

"No it's a plan ssshhh" i say kissing him once more

"I'm back" lex says

"Welcome boss" i say *cringe*( help me )

"Grace go now!" Keli yells

Grace falls right on top of lex crushing him "got you" grace says putting hand cuffs on lex

"You won't get away with this you rotten angels" he spits

I go behind him and point a gun to his head "just say the word and he's dead"

"Do it" kane says

I shoot lex in the back of his head killing him instantly grace unties axel

"Thanks grace good to see you again" he says smiling

"Yeah right" she says annoyed

"I was being nice" he says

She scoffs "whatever axel" she says walking to us

"Good work jade" keli says

"Well done" kane says smiling

"Very nice girl well we are leaving but we will be back" grace says as they leave

A/N: wooo hooo 721 words see you in the next one!

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