aftermath chapter 30

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Jade's POV

So it's the next day after we had our first big fight things are better but you still feel the akwardness you know? That uneasiness in the air? Yeah that

"Mommy?" Ariana asks

"Yes princess?" I ask

"Are you&daddy okay?" She asks

"Yes princess we are fine" i say smiling

"Okay" she says smiling

"Hey babe let's go out tonight take the kids with us" axel says smiling

I smile "okay" i head upstairs to shower and change this my outfit for the evening

I smile "okay" i head upstairs to shower and change this my outfit for the evening

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I curl my hair apply some make up and head downstairs

Axel's eyes widen "wow you look beautiful" he says smiling

I smile "thank you love you do as well"

"Are we ready? I'm hungry!" Axel jr complains

I giggle "yes babyboy let's go" i say smiling

We head to T.G.I.Fridays we sit down and order

"Hi I'm misty what can i get you to drink?" She asks

"2 chocolate milks for the kids I'll take a pepsi what would like babe?" I ask

"I'll take a coke" he says smiling

"Okay be right back" she says leaving

"Mommy?" Axel jr asks

"Hmm?" I ask

"I gotta go to the bathroom" he says

"Can you take him baby?" I ask

"Sure angel" he says smiling

I smirk "don't call me angel boy you ain't got me right"

He laughs "I'll deal with you later"

I shutter and the waitress brings our drinks "thank you" i say smiling

"You're welcome and can i just say she's so adorable?" She asks

I smile "aww thank you say thank you ariana" i say smiling

"Thank you ma'am" she says

"Aww so polite too" cassie says smiling

"Yep that's our little girl" i say smiling

"I have 3 girls and 2 boys" cassie says smiling

"How do you do it? These two are a handful themselves" i say laughing

She laughs "i really don't know but they are a blessing" she says smiling

Once we are done eating we take ariana&axel to the playground axel&i sit down and talk

"What's wrong angel?" He asks

I sigh "just one of those days you know i have depression"

"I know but I'm here for you baby" he says smiling

I smile and nod "i know and thank you i know I'm a mess"

"You aren't a mess baby you have issues with depression and anxiety it doesn't mean anything" he says

I nod "just feels like it and it just feels like one of those days" i say

He nods "i don't understand it but I'm here to listen"

I smile "I'm glad you are" i say smiling

"Mommy?" Axel jr asks

"Hmm?" I ask

"You look like you need a hug" he says hugging me

I hug back "thank you little bear i needed a hug where's your sister?"

"Talking to some boy" he says

"WHAT?" axel screams

"Baby i got this one" i say standing up i take my shoes off and go to where ariana is

"Oh cole stop" ariana says smiling

I clear my throat "hey sweetie who's this?"

"Oh momma this cole, cole my mom" ariana says smiling

"Nice too meet you ma'am" he says smiling

I laugh "how old do you think i am son?" I ask

"31?" He asks

I laugh again "21" i say smiling

"Oh I'm sorry ma'am" he says smiling

"You are fine sweetie" i say smiling

"Okay" he says smiling

"Momma?" Axel jr asks

"Hmm?" I ask

"Daddy's upset" he says

I sigh and fake smile "I'll be back you two have fun" i walk off quickly

"She's angry" ariana says

Axel jr nods "oh yeah"

"What is your problem?" I ask

"I don't want her talking to boys she's 3 years old" he says

"He's 3 as well" i snap

"Don't matter" he says

"How? He's just a friend of hers for fuck sakes baby" i say grabbing my hair

"She's my little girl and she could get hurt and it's like you don't care!" He says

I feel my blood boiling by this point "axel its taking everything in me not to go off"

"Do it" he says

I get in face "you really don't want me to do that" i say through gritted teeth

"Do it" he says

"Axel you won't look at me the same way again" i warn

"Which personality??" He asks

"DARKNESS!" i scream

"Oh fuck" he says

"Yes and I'm trying i get you are concerned he's just a friend and we can see what's happening!!" I say

"But something could happen that's why we don't leave them un attended goes for axel jr as well" i say

He nods "baby come here"

"We can't leave the kids un attended I'll control myself until we get home then hit my bag in the basement" i say

We head home and i change into some short shorts a cami i throw my hair in a long ponytail and go down to our basement to punch my punching bag i hit it and i feel a lot better i contiune until I'm calmed down i go upstairs and put a dip in

A/N: see you in the next one!

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