chapter 1 hidden.

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Jade's POV
Hi! I'm jade and I'm 18 I've always believed in angels, demons,spirits both good&evil my mother always says angels are all around us even when we can't see them and ever since then i have believed i have my two bestfriends ariana&tristan they believe as well others think we are crazy because they are afraid of what they don't understand

"Jade?" Ariana asks

"Yeah?" I ask

"I heard them singing lastnight" she says

{I knew exactly what she meant by this it was the angels and the devils represent evil spirits who pray on the good hearted people that's why the angels protect those and the devils well you can pretty much guess what happens}

"I did too i always do i wonder what my angel looks like?" I ask

"That's dangerous thinking" tristan says

"Why?" I ask

"Because we aren't supposed to see them they are supposed to protect us,guide us, and heal us not meet them,hangout ect" he says

I sigh {he's right but i can't help but wonder what angels look like because i feel like they have so much grace, kindness,love is it bad to wonder what they look like?}

"I know trist i know i just can't help but wonder" i say sighing

He sighs "i wasn't trying to be mean but we have to focus on college studies i mean yes i wonder myself but maybe we should wait until after college and figure it out together what? We will be 22? When we are done?" He asks

"I'm only doing 2 year" i say shrugging

"Why?" He asks

"Because I'm honestly done with people saying we are crazy they've done that since middle school and I'm done" i say annoyed

"I'm doing 2 and half years because i wanna and school sucks" ariana says

"Yeah but we can get amazing jobs" tristan says

"Yes i realize this but it's my choice I'm sure I'll get a good job either way" i say smiling

《After school》

I went to my room and grab my famous purple notebook that i write everything down in and today I'm writing to my angel

"Dear A, i don't know what's going on? I felt like i wanted to snap when tristan told me about getting a good job am i turning evil? Am i just a witch? What's going on? I really wish we could talk face to face because i need someone right now all i wanna do is break down and cry and i don't know why"

I close the book and the tears fall i let them

Axel's POV

I wanna help her so badly but i can't it's against all rules and regulations it hurts me to see her in pain it really does but what can i do? Nothing but sit next to her with a hand on her shoulder i can't talk to her or else it will be a consequence

Jade's POV

As i was crying i felt a presence around me a presence that felt warm and inviting i smile lightly knowing who it is it's my angel i wonder what he looks like? Does he have beautiful wings? Are they like us? So many questions my head is spinning

"Axel, i know your there i can feel you i just can't see nor hear you if you can hear me thank you for being here for me i wouldn't be able to make it without you" i say smiling

He smiles "you don't have to thank me sunshine I'm always here" he says but she can't hear him

A/N: that wad chapter 1 i hope you enjoyed more to come

Devils&Angels 18+حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن