Chapter 24

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The men were shocked when they saw your body. Unlike your stomach, the rest of your body has lost a lot of weight. They could see your ribs poking through. It broke their hearts to see you like this. You were doing so well and now this happened. One thing all the men agreed on was that he would pay for this.

They were relieved you fell asleep. You wouldn't have to feel the pain while asleep and you wouldn't have to see the horrors they will inflict on Hojo. Hojo is still being held down by Genesis and Angeal. Speaking of which he has been yelling nonstop. ''You can't do this to me! Shinra won't allow you to hurt me!'' All the men turn their murderous gazes onto Hojo. ''You will pay for what you have done to (y/n).''

They all draw their swords. Sephiroth is being careful not to jostle you to much. Their swords cut away at the screaming and squirming body beneath them. All of them being careful not to end his suffering too soon. In the end Hojo was begging for his life. Of course no one listened to him. They let Sephiroth deal the finishing blow since he is the one that has suffered at Hojo's hands his entire life.

Finishing him off while cradling you close to him was very satisfying to Sephiroth. With apathetic eyes he watched the life fading in the eyes of the man beneath him. He kissed you on the top of your head while turning to the others. ''Gather all the research containing specimen (y/i). Then we'll leave as soon as possible.''

The men didn't need to be told twice as they all ran in different directions. It didn't take them long to find your file since they know they have to be quick for you. They already told Aerith to be ready for when they bring you in. They quickly leave the lab and head towards Aerith.

While driving to Aerith all of them couldn't help but hold or touch you in some way. They need the reassurance that you are there with them. When they arrive at Aerith's place, they are greeted by Aerith running towards them. When she sees you she can barely hold in the gasp threatening to escape.

They quickly head inside to have you examined as soon as possible. While walking inside the men update Aerith on your status and tell them about your file. They head inside a room with an examination table in the middle. Sephiroth tries to put you down but your hold on him won't loosen. In fact you unconsciously grip him tighter.

''It's alright (y/n) I'll stay right here. I won't go anywhere. You can let go.'' Sephiroth whispers in your furry ear while loosening your grip with his free hand. He manages to loosen your grip and puts you down. When he does so you can't help but unconsciously release a whimper. ''Shh It's alright kitty we are all here with you.'' Zack whispers while rubbing your head and ears.

''Alright I'll have to start with a physical examination and I'll definitely need his bloodwork done.'' Aerith pulls on her gloves and starts to peel away the coat that is sticking to your body. The men all surround you being as close as possible while giving Aerith space to work. They can see that the state of your body bothers Aerith but she remains professional and keeps working.

When the coat is finally off she takes a closer look at your body. ''He's definitely emaciated. I'll need to do an echo to see if the pup is alright. I can also see evidence of anal and urethral insertion. There are a lot of needle marks on his body.'' Aerith stands up straight and starts to think while looking at the desponded faces surrounding her. ''Alright I'll start with a rectal exam and I'll check the womb. After that I'll do an echo and then I'll draw some blood.''

Aerith proceeds to do as she said and starts to lube up her fingers. ''I don't have stirrups ready so would you guys mind holding his legs open?'' Angeal and Genesis do as she asks and both grab one of your legs and hold them up and open for her. Both are startled when they grab your leg. It's so thin and they can easily encircle it with one of their hands.

Aerith feels around inside and finds the cervix. ''hmm the cervix has opened a bit. Luckily it's not wide enough to cause for concern but he will definitely have to remain on bedrest the rest of his pregnancy. I can feel a bit of damage alongside the walls meaning that something has been inserted.''

You unconsciously release a whimper at the discomfort. All the men immediately do their best to calm you down. It works and you calm down quickly when the scent of your mates reaches your nose. ''Alright let's do the echo now.'' Aerith grabs all the necessary equipment and the men take their time to look at you. Different thoughts running in their minds. But one thing they all have in common is their hatred for Hojo and the blame they place on themselves for being absent when you needed them the most. They will do everything they can to make up for it.

Aerith returns with the machine and sets it up. She puts gel on your stomach and spreads it with the transducer. ''Alright let's start.'' The men watch with bated breaths. ''Alright there is the pup. As far as I can see it looks healthy, maybe a bit small but that's to be expected when (y/n) himself is emaciated.'' The men all look at the screen with fascination. ''Do you guys want to know the gender?'' The men look at her then each other and finally at you. ''It wouldn't feel right to know while (y/n) doesn't.'' ''I agree.'' The men all agree with each other and Aerith smiles at them.

''Alright now I just need the bloodwork.'' Aerith prepares to draw some blood. ''We are lucky he's asleep. Knowing from past experiences he wouldn't want any needles near him.'' Sephiroth tells the others while looking down on your sleeping face. ''We will make sure our angel gets over this. We will be there for him to help him.''

Aerith quickly returns with multiple empty vials. ''I'll need to draw multiple vials so we can do extensive bloodwork. Lets just hope it's enough and we don't need to draw blood again.'' Luckily it all goes smoothly and you are still asleep. ''Alright that's it for today. I will prescribe you some medicine and you will need to keep an eye on him. Call me immediately if something is wrong.'' ''We will. Thank you Aerith.''

Aerith nods and grabs a blanket from a cupboard. ''Here. Cover him up with this for now. I suggest you give him a bath first when you get home.'' Cloud walks over to grab the blanket. ''We will do that. Thank you Aerith.'' Aerith leaves to get the medicine while the men stay with your now covered-up form. After a while Aerith comes back and it's time to finally leave. ''We are going home (y/n). You will be safe in your nest again.''

Genesis is the one to pick you up and carry you towards the car. You unconsciously snuggle closer to him and breathe in his scent. His scent relaxes you even in your sleep. ''Let's go.''

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