Chapter 5

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All of you got out of the car in front of a veterinarian. You are still distracted by the sights around you, so you didn't notice when Angeal picked you up. All of you stepped into the building. You only had to wait for a little bit until a woman in a lab coat came to your group. ''Hey guys. I received your call now let me see the neko''. "Hey Aerith. Glad you could receive us immediately. (Y/n) needs some medical attention and it can't wait''. Angeal replied while showing you to her.

She comes closer to you trying to get a look at you. You hissed at her not wanting her to come closer yet. You don't know her so you don't know if you can trust her yet. ''I see he's frightened of meeting new people. Follow me to the examination room''. The men followed Aerith to the room. The room is divided into two rooms with a glass wall in-between. One of the rooms looks like your normal examination room with an examination table in the middle. The other room looks like a playroom with lots of toys.

''This is a special room designed for neko's. Could you please seat (y/n) on the table Angeal''. Angeal does as she asks and puts you on the table. You refuse to let go of him so you hold his arm tightly. ''It's all right (y/n) Aerith is just going to take a look at you to see if you're healthy. The rest of us will be with you in the room''. Angeal says to you reassuringly. You decide to trust their judgement and let go of his arm. Besides the lady looked nice. She has a warm aura around her.

''Hello there (y/n). My name is Aerith and I'll make sure you are going to be all right oke? Just tell when you feel uncomfortable or of something hurts all right? Now let's take a look shall we''. You keep a wary eye on her every movement when she comes closer to you. She first checks your cat ears and your tail. Since they are sensitive you can't help but let out a purr. The men look at you fondly when you do so.

''Oke sweetie I'm going to take of your clothes oke?'' She takes of the rag of your body and makes sure your privates are still covered. When she does so you hear a gasp coming from the men. They are shocked at the state of your body. You are emaciated your ribs are visible and you're covered in cuts, scars and bruises. ''Sweetie I'm going to put some medicine on your cuts and bruises oke?'' She walks towards some cabinets and takes out some supplies before she returns to you.

She treats your wounds and makes sure she doesn't hurt you. She looks towards the men ''I'm going to check his privates now so if you all would turn around and give us some privacy''. The men do as she says and turn around to look at the wall. She looks back at you ''Now sweetie I have to make sure your privates are healthy as well. Don't be scared oke''. She takes the rag away and proceeds with her examination. ''Could you lie down sweetie?'' You do as she asks and lie down on the table.

You're very embarrassed but you know this has to be done. You want to make sure everything's all right with your body. When she checks your backside you can't help but tense. ''It's all right I won't hurt you. Please try to relax''. You close your eyes and try to relax while she continues. ''Oke I'm done you can get up now''. You immediately do as she says and grab the rag to cover your privates again. ''You guys can turn around again''. The men immediately turn around.

''I want to do another test. We have to go to the playroom for that''. She fastens the rag around your body again. ''Could one of you guys carry him?''. ''It's my turn to carry him". Genesis says as he walks towards you. He lifts you in his arms and proceeds to take you to the playroom, while nuzzling his face in your hair. You hold onto his shoulders tightly. When the you reach the playroom he proceeds to put you on the carpeted floor. He leaves your side and stands by the others at the wall.

You look around you with curiosity. You pick up a stuffed toy next to you and hold it up in front of you. You examine the toy. It's so fluffy! You nuzzle the toy and enjoy the fluffiness. Without you noticing Aerith takes out a laser pen and lights it a few meters in front of you.

You suddenly notice a moving red dot in front of you. You can't help but be curious and crawl towards it. Every time you get closer the dot moves further away from you. This keeps happening until you reach the wall and the dot goes higher. You use the wall to stand on your two legs. You are standing wobbly. Then the dot moves to the side. You try to walk with support of the wall. This is very difficult for you and you sometimes fall down. This keeps happening until the dot suddenly disappears.

You look at the wall astonished and look around you to try to find the dot. The guys can't help but aww at the sight of you cutely looking around with your tail swaying behind you. ''Well (y/n) still has the curiosity and the playfulness of a neko. He has to get used to walking again though. The poor neko he must have been in that place for years. You also have to make sure you watch out with sunlight. Since he has been deprived of it for so long, he will be hurt when he's exposed to it. You have to get him used to the sunlight bit by bit. I'll write down some notes for you guys. Oh and your neko is a submissive so watch out in spring''. Aerith instructs the other men. "Uh why spring Aerith. What's happening in spring?'' Zack asks Aerith while the others already know the answer. ''Oh Zack don't you know? Sweet (y/n) will go in heat in spring''. She says to Zack with a smile. ''I also noticed he doesn't really speak. Try to get him to speak again. He's already starting to bond with you guys so help him as much as possible''. ''Ofcourse we will. Maybe Cloud and Sephiroth learn to speak more as well haha''. Zack replies while laughing. Earning him a glare from Sephiroth and Cloud.

Genesis comes towards you and picks you up again. You look up at him and point to the plushie on the ground. It is an adorable bunny plushie, the fluffy one. ''Bunny....come with''. You want the bunny to come with you. You like the plushie very much. You never had a plushie before. ''Oh you want to have the bunny? Let's ask Aerith shall we'' He picks up the bunny and gives it to you. You hug the bunny to your chest. The both of you then walk to Aerith. ''Hey Aerith. It looks like (y/n) wants to have the bunny. Can we take it with us?''. ''Yeah sure! He deserves it after such a tiring day''.

"See (y/n) you get to take the bunny. Now what do we say to Aerith?''. "T-thank you''. You say to Aerith while blushing and hiding in Genesis's chest. ''Ah so adorable. You're welcome sweetie. Now take good care of it. Now why don't you guys wait in the lobby while I get your instructions and supplies''. Aerith says to the group. The group does as she says and walk out of the room towards the lobby. While you are waiting you are playing with the bunny. You lean against Genesis's chest and look to the side. Cloud is standing there. You are looking at his hair. It looks so spiky! You are curious to how it feels. You can't help but reach out your hand towards his hair.

Genesis was watching you with curiosity. You finally reached Cloud's hair and plop your hand on his hand. You could feel Cloud slightly jumping from being startled. You kept touching his hair and stroking it. It is so soft! By this time everyone was looking at what you were doing. Cloud turns his head and looks at you. You notice this and try to take away your hand. Suddenly Cloud grabs your hand and put it back on his head. ''It's all right. You can touch my hair if you want''. You happily did as he said and kept stroking his hair.

After a little while Aerith comes in with a folder and a little bag with medicine. Angeal and Sephiroth walk up to her to get the instructions they need. When they are done all of you leave the building. You look back over Genesis's shoulder. You see Aerith standing there and you wave at her. ''Bye''. She happily smiled and waved back while saying goodbye.

This time during the drive you are sitting on Cloud's lap while hugging the bunny to your chest. You are once again looking outside of the window. "Now let's go to your new home (y/n)''. Angeal says, while looking back at you, before starting the car.

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