Homeward Bound

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TWELVE: Homeward Bound

The rest of the evening had been perfect, another bottle of champagne donated by the Maitre d' in recognition of the Proposal and the best seat in the house as they settled by the pool and listened to the band. And they had played various songs including Dancing Queen-at Hiccup's request-and Back For Good, which Astrid had hesitantly sung for Hiccup, backed by the band. At the end, there had been a round of applause and Hiccup had kissed her and nodded in agreement of the musical apology. The couple had drunk coffee and soft drinks-as well as liqueurs that Griselda had sent them-and danced to the band, usually romantic numbers where dancing just consisted of holding one another and swaying gently, savouring each other's closeness.

Snotlout had tried to interfere but someone-astonishingly Fishlegs-had shoved him into the pool 'by accident'. Furious and dripping, he had been led away by the Assistant Manager who wanted to speak to him about his extremely large room bill-which the twins were laughing helplessly at. When he arrived back in his room, he found four crates of bottled water and seventy hotel special dressing gowns placed diligently on his bed as requested. The argument about the bill had gone on long after the others had retired to bed.

Hiccup and Astrid found flowers and fruit in their room with a card bearing their friends' apologies. There was also a voucher for a Parasailing Experience back in Berk the following weekend to allow the couple to try the sport together rather than have Hiccup never try it and Astrid's only experience be the one with Snot. Smiling, the couple had laughed at the gesture and nodded before carefully packing their bags and just leaving out their clothes and wash bags for the morning. And then they had gone out onto the balcony and sat together, finishing off the champagne and enjoying the peaceful and beautiful scene.

"I'm glad I'm here with you," she said softly. "I really do mean it, Hiccup. This is just...perfect...and I almost threw it away."

"We both did," he admitted.

"And Zephyr and Nuffink," she reminded him. He burst out laughing.

"You remembered," he chuckled. She nodded.

"I mean those are the most Hiccup names ever-but they are so right," she confessed.

"You don't have to use them," he reminded her but she nodded.

"I know-but we agreed-and I kind of like them...because they are quirky and unique just like you...and any child we have would definitely be as well," she countered. Her solitaire gleamed on her finger as she clasped his hand.

"Is that a suggestion?" he teased her.

"Not until after we've graduated, Babe!" she retorted and gently punched his shoulder. He clutched the point of impact.

"Oh the pain!" he groaned theatrically. "Beating up a poor man who hurt himself stopping a muttonhead falling off his balcony..."

"This balcony, in fact," she reminded him and kissed him on the lips. "My hero..." He gently rubbed noses with her, his eyes pensive.

"You know, I had this holiday all planned," he confessed. "In my mind, I could see us by the pool, swimming, parasailing, walking down the Promenade...and having those romantic meals. It was perfect...but everything that happened wasn't anywhere near that. And I think I got more and more frustrated as well as jealous and angry and hurt..." He shook his head. "But when I saw you being attacked by those guys, nothing else mattered. And seeing my brave and fierce Astrid so shaken...I forgave you that second. I just need to know...that you forgive me?" She smiled and leaned against him.

"Babe-you have nothing to forgive," she assured him. "Now come inside and let me show my new fiance that I forgive you..."


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