Start from the beginning

Elena looks down into the big box, truly puzzled, "What's this?" She opens up a wooden box; what appears to be a muzzle is contained within it.

Stefan looks as if he recognizes the device, but doesn't explain as Jeremy walks into the room shortly after, in curiosity, "What are you guys doing?"

"Hey. Just going through some stuff, feeling sentimental. Dad had this old family journal from years ago. I thought I'd dig it up." Elena told him.

Jeremy sits down on the kitchen counter, "Jonathan Gilbert's journal?"

"Yeah, what do you know about it?" Elena asked him, frowning in concern.

"I just did a History report on it." Her underaged brother informed her.

"Oh. So where is it now?" Elena asked, hopeful for her brother to know.

Jeremy shrugs, "I gave it to Mister Saltzman. He wanted to see it."

Alaric Saltzman. The History teacher. Elena and Rosie exchange looks.


Mystic Falls High School, Advanced Placement History Classroom

Alaric Saltzman is sitting in a dark and empty classroom at his desk, poring curiously over the contents of the old Gilbert journal which belonged to Jonathan Gilbert. Only a single lamp lights the pages as he reads from it.

'I met Barnette, Giuseppe and Philip this evening. I saw the skepticism in their eyes when I showed them the compass.' The Gilbert pocket watch.


Salvatore Veritas Estate, Mystic Falls, 1864

Barnette Lockwood, Giuseppe Salvatore, Jonathan Gilbert and Philip Kartwright — the men who are in the Town Council together since they are the Founding Families, who always stick together through local meetings and precautions, are in the study, looking at the compass and discussing it.

"We're supposed to believe that can track one of them?" Philip asked through his posh British accent, frowning suspiciously, for his companions; which leads him to believe that true magic is real. Witches are real.

"What is it, magic?" Barnette guessed in true surprise and disbelief.

Jonathan, as the creative inventor, spoke up for his answer, "It's science."

"I'll believe it when I see it." Philip told him, nodding a little.

"I've been thinking about this church idea. I believe it could work." Giuseppe informed them as for certain, referring to the Fell's church for the massacre.

Stefan Salvatore opens the door to the private study and is truly startled by the appearance of their company. They all turn and look at the boy. Philip only looks on at his soon-to-be son-in-law, to be engaged to his daughter while Stefan looks on at the four grown men nervously, now hesitant.

"Excuse me, Father. I didn't know you had guests."

"We'll be done in a few minutes, son." Giuseppe assured him.

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