Chapter 12

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Edwards's POV

It had been a couple of days since the incident with Bella and Grim happened. Reneseme has been growing beautifully and we couldn't wait for her mother and aunt to wake up. All that was left to do was wait.

**Reference; Grim's Outfit**

**Reference; Grim's Outfit**

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Grim's POV

I could feel it. Every bone that was broken had begun to heal and I could feel the effects of the bite coursing through my veins. I didn't want this. I was upset beyond belief, but I couldn't blame my family. They wanted me around and I still had a long life ahead of me, things I hadn't experienced yet. I was painfully aware of all my surroundings. Although I was unconscious I could feel the vibrations of the objects around me, moving. I was looking forward to waking up and testing out my new powers. I knew as a vampire I'd have struggles but I was determined to be different, to succeed and not become a blood-crazed monster. With this thought in my mind I slowly willed my eyes to open and as I did the first thing I noticed was Bells wearing a beautiful blue dress and she was hugging Edward. They didn't notice me sit up yet so I laughed and said "Ew, get a room you two, can't you see I'm sleeping here." They both snapped their heads to me and the next thing I knew I was tackled from the bed I was laying on by my sister and now proudly said, brother. I started laughing hysterically and had never felt so great in my life. I was always so exhausted before, no sleep, I barely ate and all my focus and stress revolved around Bells. Not that I regret it but now I'm free or so to speak. Still sprawled on the floor Edward started rubbing his head against my chest mumbling how much he missed me and now that Bells and I were awake we decided to go see the rest of the family. But before we did, there was only one thing left to ask, "Okay, I won't get mad. Who put me in this dress?" I was met with silence but had a feeling I knew who it was.

As soon as we walked through the door yet again I was tackled by a massive grizzly bear aka Em and his beautiful lady Rosie. I hugged them both tightly and said our greetings as did the rest of the family. I didn't realize how much I missed them until I hugged everyone at that moment. Jacob was there and I said a simple hello with a smile. Jacob had other plans but before he could come close and hug me, Em stepped in the way. And before you ask, yes, my Cullen family knows my history and feelings towards Jake. Don't get me wrong, I care about Jacob and will always be there for him but having a one-sided love your whole life is up there with a broken spine. Anyway, I was grateful for Em and grabbed Rosie's hand for some extra support. With a light squeeze on her part, it was finally time I could hold my baby niece in my arms. Bells was holding her during this mini confrontation between Jake, Em, Rosie, and I, but she walked up to me and handed Reneseme to me saying I could hold her now. I took her carefully, looked at her beautiful brown eyes, and immediately fell in love. I was smiling so much I thought I would break my face. I laughed and started to twirl around with Reneseme in my arms which caused a melodious giggle to fall out of her lips as well as a laugh from everyone. I bent my head, touched my forehead to hers, and whispered, "You are the most beautiful thing to ever exist and I can't wait to spoil you to my heart's content, my little Ren." Everyone laughed around me and Bells held me from behind looking at Reneseme over my shoulder. Life couldn't have been more perfect at that moment. I no longer was upset that I was a vampire, instead grateful for this opportunity to remain in the lives of my loved ones and live a life full of happiness. I thought nothing could ruin this moment until Jake opened his big mouth, "Alright, I think that's enough experimenting for one day." At first, it didn't really bother me or Bells but he kept inching forward, stretching his hands out as if to take her from me. Edward who was beside us gave him a warning look and said, "They'll be fine," but Jake was insistent and kept trying to take Reneseme from me. Bells and I snapped our eyes to him and Bella voicing my very thoughts said, "What's your problem?" I look to Rosie who has a smug look in her eyes saying, "Do tell."

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