Chapter 10

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Grim's POV

**Reference; Grim's Outfit**

The weight of the thought that I have to become a vampire soon is slowly starting to eat away at me

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

The weight of the thought that I have to become a vampire soon is slowly starting to eat away at me. I don't want to become a vampire. Recently Edward has been really clingy and for the most part, I've forgiven the Cullen's for breaking our promise. To try and get me that extra mile they're going to host a graduation party for the school at their house. Edward proposed, finally. It was driving me nuts, but he finally got the balls to ask Charlie and he was reluctant but I helped him ease into that situation, let me tell you it wasn't easy. Edward, Bells, and I arrived at school for the day and were walking to the entrance when I realized Edward was standing a little too close. It made me laugh so I told Bells jokingly to get her dog to stop sniffing my butt. He shoved me after I said that and gave Bells a look when she giggled but we all had a good laugh. I knew why he was doing it, he thought I was suicidal after my little afterthought on the outskirts of town after the dabaucal in Venice. Anyway, the giggles ended when we saw Jay ride into the parking lot of the school, and walk up to us. He grabbed the side of my face and put his forehead on mine as a greeting, something Sam, Leah, Jay and I did when we were kids. I grimaced because I hate when he does that kind of thing now, it makes me think of things that will never happen and Edward noticed this. Hence, he shoved Jay off and hugged me to him while getting in Jacob's face gritting out for him to leave. Jay said something about Bells and I needing to know and that's when he mentioned "the redhead wanting them." So Victoria is back and trying to kill us. Great, just when I healed from the last fight... Bells asked Jay why he didn't call her back and he tried acting cool by saying he had nothing to say. Bells wasn't having it though and started going toward Jay when Edward grabbed Bells' arm pleading with her with his eyes to stay. She told him that he had to trust her. Edward replied with the typical, 'I do, I just don't trust him,' but she left with Jay anyway leaving Edward and I in the parking lot. I was still in Edward's arms so I put my palm on his chest, pressed my forehead to his, and said I was sorry he had to feel the way he did right now.

We ended up going back to the Cullen house, and there I helped set up with Pix, Rosie, Lucinda or Luci, Jasper's mate he found in Venice, and Esme. Bella still wasn't back so we were waiting having a good time and joking around. I was busy bringing a vase of flowers downstairs where all the Cullen's were sitting around when I felt my hand break. I yelled out in pain, it was so unbearable. I dropped the vase, broke it at my feet, and fell to my knees in pain cradling my hand to my chest. All the Cullen's ran to me, Edward being the first to get to me. Tears are tumbling down my face while everyone is trying to figure out what's wrong with me. Edward knelt down bringing me to his chest so I showed him my hand and he saw that it was broken. I looked at him and whispered Bells name so he immediately understood. Carlisle patched my hand up and Edward and I drove back to my place. To say he was furious is not cutting it close and the moment we got to my house Bella and Jay were already there. Edward right away got in Jay's face. Where am I? You may ask. Well, I'm sitting crisscross applesauce on the hood of Edward's car because that's where it's the warmest, waiting and watching for the conflict to unfold. And if you don't understand what's going on let me explain. Long story short, Jay kissed Bells so Bells punched him in the face. This resulted in a, healed, 'broken' hand from punching a werewolf in the face. Hence, my broken hand, the end. Charlie ended up coming out because of the commotion outside and was the only one to notice the bandage on my hand. He walked up to me, gave me a look, and said, "Again?" I laughed at that and nodded my head.

Bella's Sister (twilight fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ