Chapter 7

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Grim's POV

**Reference; Grim's Outfit**

 For the past couple of days, I would always go to the Cullen house since Bella spent so much time with Edward but I was fine with it

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For the past couple of days, I would always go to the Cullen house since Bella spent so much time with Edward but I was fine with it. I got to eat lovely and delicious food there every day, compliments to the chef Mrs. Cullen, and overall, we became closer and closer as a family. I was happy. I began to think about telling Bella and the Cullen's about my gifts and I thought about it and finally reached a decision. In the morning I decided to tell Bells everything. I was afraid, afraid of the rejection I would receive or the anger because I kept this from her all of her life. She was fidgeting in front of me. She's nervous when really I should be. "Bells please don't get mad at me..." She furrowed her brow, "Grim, you're really starting to scare me... what's going on?" I just sighed, "I know, I know. I didn't want to tell you because I thought you wouldn't believe me or you would be scared of what I could do..." She reeled back after what I said, "What do you mean, 'what you could do'... Grim just tell me, you know you can trust me, we're sisters. There are secrets I have and you have, I won't be mad..." I closed my eyes and just came right out and said, "I have powers... surprise..." I cringed when I got no reaction from her... "Bells?..." Finally, after the torture of silence, she jumped up, "What?! Why didn't you tell me? What powers? Tell me everything." So there you have it folks, she took it better than I thought she would have. Well, can you blame her? She's dating a damn vampire for Christ's sake.  I told her about my powers, about being able to copy other people's "gifts". She liked the idea more than I did so now she knows everything... Well... except for the part where I receive her pain and why she doesn't feel it too much. So let me get back to that one..."There's one more thing..." She finally sat back down, "What?" I took another deep sigh, "The reason you don't receive pai - " Before I could finish my sentence, "Bella! Grim! Billy and Jake are here, come down and say hi!" And that's my dad interrupting this special broadcast...

I looked at Bella and told her it could wait so she nodded and we walked downstairs... Weeeell, Bells walked while I slid down the handlebar. Now this is where if we were in a cartoon we would press the pause button and explain why I was so stupid. Lil ole me hadn't anticipated the landing so, yeah, this is gonna hurt like an alpaca, and since there is no pause button in real life there goes my right leg... Fortunately for me Jake was standing in front of the stairs and saw me coming so he held his arms up like Rafiki from The Lion King... Does that make me Simba? OMG, I'm Simba! I would make an awesome Simba... but I like Pumba... Snap out of it Grim! We can watch Lion King later... back to reality here people... I was nearing the bottom of the staircases and came sliding in. Jake surprisingly caught me princess style with a little spin so me being a turd flower I start laughing hysterically, saying that was awesome and that I should totally do that again..."Yeah totally not doing that again, Grim what the hell don't you ever do that again! You scared me half to death!" And here comes my overprotective papa bear. I looked at him with a smile"Oh, I'm sorry Daddy Pooh..." At this point, I'm out of Jacob's nice and warm arms but not without thanking him first and walked towards Papa Smurf and with my best pouty face gave him a little bear cub hug. He softly whispered, "Damn it.. you know this is my weakness." With a big smile, "Why yes, I did know that." He smiled and said, "Whatever... Billy Jacob and I were gonna go fishing, did you girls wanna come." Bells had said no and so did I but my reason was, "No, sorry Dad. I'm gonna work on the truck a little, thanks for the invite though."

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