Chapter 11

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(Photo of Henry Sinclair) (If it doesn't show it's an actor named Mathew Goode. How he looks in "A Discovery of Witches" the TV series best matches what I have in mind for the image of Henry Sinclair)

(A.N. 2024: As you can see my tastes have changed after all these years, lol. It's Henry Cavill for me, swoon. Honestly, you can imagine whoever you want, this is just my preference.)

Edward's POV

It's been months and Grim still hasn't woken from her coma. Everyone's been coming to visit her but still nothing. The doctors are losing faith in her recovery and have suggested pulling the plug, but we refused. I know she doesn't want to become a vampire but, I just can't lose her, and everyone thinks the same. If turning her into one of us is the last option then it's one I'm willing to take to get her back.

Grim's POV

It's dark and I can't see. I know I've been out for at least a couple of months. I can hear everyone but no matter how hard I try I just can't open my eyes. I know it's hard but I keep telling myself that I need to get up, to see my family. They all want me to wake up. I do everything in my power to open my eyes and finally, with all the strength I could muster, I do. I open my eyes to Edward sitting in a chair next to me and Bella is lying down in the bed with me. I stir and try to stretch my numb limbs and Edward notices right away. He makes a face I'll never forget. It was the first time I had ever seen him cry. He jumps up and hugs me, "Finally, you're finally awake," so I laugh a little, although it sounds dry since I haven't had any liquids, "You miss me that much I see, I promise if you take a photo it'll last forever." He laughs at me, "You've been in a come for four months and you can still find the time to be sarcastic," it's my turn to laugh back, "Always Edward Cullen, always." Bella woke up and we shared our words and tears and all that mumbo jumbo. It felt good to be awake, but one thing was for sure, I couldn't wait to get out of the fucking hospital. We met with the doctor and after a lot of arguing back and forth they discharged me that same day and of course, the whole hoard came to see me at the Cullen's house. I didn't realize how much I missed everyone until that moment and with a lot of threats on their part, I promised not to do something like that ever again. Of course, I had my fingers crossed. I admit, it was stupid of me to have done that in the first place, but there's nothing I wouldn't do for the people I care about.

After I woke up it turned out I had the perfect timing because the wedding for Bella and Edward was in two months. Everyone was in the middle of planning for everything until the day finally came. It was absolutely beautiful. It was everything Bells and I ever imagined a wedding would be like when we were growing up and I couldn't be happier for my family than on that day. I got a chance to meet a lot of family members on the Cullen's side and they were all very nice and welcoming. There was one in particular that piqued my interest right away. His name was Henry Sinclair. He's a distant cousin or family friend of Carlisle, I can't remember exactly but he was so tall and mysterious with the clearest blue eyes I could look into for days. I found myself loving to talk to him in the short time we met and it seemed as if it would never end and that idea didn't bother me. I enjoyed talking to him so much that by the end of our conversation, we were so close we hadn't even realized it. I couldn't put my finger on it, he was somehow different than any vampire I'd ever seen or met before, but there was just something about him that I couldn't get him off my mind for the rest of the night. (*wink, wink, wink, wink*) After that encounter with Henry, I enjoyed my time eating good food and dancing with my new official family until it came to the end of the night. I was standing outside on the backyard patio getting some fresh air thinking about the events that happened tonight when Jacob came from the woods. "What are you doing here Jay?" He looked at me and took closer steps to me so I took a step back not wanting to be close to him. Bella and Edward came to my rescue and Bells answered my question, "You promised me a dance." I walked inside not wanting to see anything and Edward followed suit. I was holding onto his hand blocking his thoughts from Jacob. And as always he gave me a thankful stare. I took a deep breath and decided to distract myself because I didn't want that to ruin my night so I went and danced with Alice, Jasper, and their mates. I know what you're thinking. Grim, I thought you liked Jasp. And you're not wrong, I did, but when I found out he found his mate I couldn't bring myself to get in between them. I'm not sad or upset or anything, I'm happy for them. Plus I'm sure I'll find someone someday. (*wink, wink, wink, wink*) And with that thought the night ended and Edward and Bella went to their honeymoon destination.

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