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Uhtceare;Twenty two
in my mind

In my young mind,
I am kissing the idea of loneliness
For the silence and comfort,
For serenity and gentleness
Where in the secrets and sorrows are making out
While I am stroking the blank noises,
dancing like a ballerina in a music box.

In my crowded mind,
I gave affection in the idea of untidiness.
Where in I can be in the both sides
of chaos and peace,
Secluded in the touch of my harbor,
While giving myself
a vast amount of advice,
to attract tranquility
for the attachment
of my constant turmoil.

Who am I in my mind?
Am I a shadow
or a little light of relief?

The art of PoesyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora