I wasn't playing any games today I wanted to look perfect. I wanted to swoon this man so he couldn't tell me no.

"Alright so what are you wearing?" Cass busted in my room without knocking like normal and I was standing there staring at my closet in a towel. I threw my hands up in the air.

"I have no idea." She pushed me aside and started going through my dresses before settling on one and holding it up.

"This one, slight smokie eye, hair down and straight. He won't be able to resist." She winked at me handing me a beautiful navy colored dress, that when on would come about up to the top of my knees, it was flowy and dressy but could also be casual. She went back in coming out and setting down a light jean jacket and a pair of tan booties. I already had the dress on. "God I'm a miracle worker." I laughed grabbing the accessories she also came out with and putting them on as well. She pushed me to sit down on the bed while she did all my make-up and even my hair. "So, is tonight the night you going to jump on that?"

"Could you be any more of a lady?" I rolled my eyes.

"Nope." She popped the 'p' as she spoke and continued with my hair finishing it with a soft wave. "Decided slight beach waves were so much sexier." I smiled at her. "Be right back." She grabbed my phone and ran out of the room."

"Seriously!?" She came back in giggling and set my phone down next to me. Smiling like she was proud of something. As she continued doing my makeup or finishing it up, I grabbed my phone seeing what she did.

Me - This is Cassie, she's wearing a navy dress so match her. Oh, and since you should be here soon just come in the front door is unlocked.

D - You should never leave the front door unlocked, the two of you live alone.

Me - Chill out Rambo we've got this.

The last message came in while I was reading.

D - You really need to work on your movie references Cass. Deegan can help you with that.

I laughed. "What?" Cassie looked at me confused.

"Apparently you need to work on your movie references, and seriously you couldn't have just let it happen?"

"Please honey y'all need to match."

"Cass, he's supposed to be here in ten minutes the man was probably already dressed." As I said that I heard the door open and close.

"We're up here! But you stay down there!" Cassie yelled towards my door. I heard him laugh, the one I loved. You know how everyone has several smiles, several laughs, several everything. Well the one he just did was my favorite, it starts out as a sly smile, turns into a full smile before he throws his head back and lets out this adorable loud laugh. I laughed to myself. "Okay you are done but stay." She pointed at me. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. She ran out of the room, but I could hear everything. "You! That is perfect! Wait how did you change so fast and get here that quick? I texted you like 2 minutes before you got here."

"I was already dressed and, on my way, and Cassie I definitely don't need a stylist."

"That's for damn sure, you look hot! Y'all are going to look so cute together! Oh, I need my camera!"

"This isn't prom. Deegan is on his way." She clapped and ran back in the room. I already had gotten the booties on, and my jacket and was about to walk out when she almost ran into me.

"Cassie, no." I gave her a stern look and she looked at me defeated.

"Fine." I laughed at her before walking out of the room.

I caught his eye as soon as I rounded the corner that lead to the stairway balcony or whatever it is called. I smiled even wider then I thought possible. Taking him in and putting this sight in my memory bank just in case I never saw him again after this week. He was in a Navy button down, that matched my dress, untucked with the sleeves rolled up just slightly making those gorgeous tattoos peek out on his forearms. A pair of jeans with the stressed dirty look, and a pair of dress shoes.

He looked so handsome I couldn't bare it. His eyes didn't leave mine as I walked down the stairs. I got to the bottom and couldn't contain my smile any longer. He put his hands out and took mine pulling me to him, so I was standing inches away.

"Hey" I smiled

"Hey" He laughed. "You look amazing, I'm going to be very jealous if another man even looks your way tonight."

"Psh me? Lady killer over here." I pointed to him laughing.

"Good thing I only have eyes for you." I couldn't help but smile and look down to hide my blush. He gently pushed my chin back up to look at him. "Don't be embarrassed, I'm serious Austyn." I bit my lip staring into his soul. He gave me that gorgeous cheeky smile.

"Alright you two get out, Deegan just pulled in. Sexy time for us!" She started pushing us towards the door which opened thanks to Deegan.

"Bye guys!" Deegan yelled as we got pushed the rest of the way out and the door slammed in our faces.

"Rude!" I laughed.

"Well, shall we then?" He laughed taking my hand as we got into his Jeep.

Falling For a Hitman (Hitman Series Pt. 1)Where stories live. Discover now