"We each developed our own name. Some of us developed better names than others. They call me Z, which is short for Zoric, my last name."

"Didn't you just say that you don't refer to each other by your letter?"

"Everyone else beside me. Like you said, I'm special." His words sickened me to my core. If I had been a lesser person, I would have left right then. But I knew I couldn't. Not when there was this much on the line.

"Special... right. Tell me, what makes you special? The torture chambers? The starvation? The branding? The drowning? Tell me when I'm getting close because I sure as hell would like to know."

"You really did experience it all, didn't you? Not many lived through so many of our activities."

"Activities? You sick bast-,"

"Tsk, tsk. You really know nothing about interrogating a prisoner do you?" The color drained from my face as I lost what remained of my grasp on reality. He remembered. Why wouldn't he? How could he forget the day that could quite easily be the worst day of my life? I stood up, rushing to the door. Instead of opening it, I leaned against it, bracing myself as the memories that I had fought so long to keep buried, once again rose to the surface.

Ribbons of colors danced in front of my eyes, intertwining yet never fully mixing. If it wasn't for the pounding in my head I might have believed that this was nothing more than a vivid dream. The pain told me otherwise.

Instinctively I reached toward my head in an attempt to soothe the aching pain. My hands lifted two inches, but then sprung back, ending up in a crumpled heap at sides. Staring transfixed, I took in the slightly rusted cuffs around my wrists. What happened? The last thing I remembered was talking to Beau and then... nothing.

"What the hell happened to me?" I openly pondered, not expecting a response from the empty cell room.

"Well girl, that's what we're trying to figure out as well." A small latched widow had opened, revealing a large figure. My eyes struggled to make out his features, but I was faintly able to distinguish a stock of black hair and pale skin. My body tensed at the sound of more latches being opened. Glancing down I took in the sight of my equally bound ankles. It had deterred my plans of using them to escape.

"What's your name? How did you find us here?"

"If you honestly thought your step up here was hidden well enough to fool those who are actively looking for it, then you are gravely mistaken."

"That's said from someone who is currently bound to one of my dead beds. Tsk tsk. Didn't you ever learn that it's not smart to antagonize the one's holding you prisoner?"

"Eh, none of my prisoners ever paid me that respect. Why should I do any different now that our positions are reversed?"

A chuckle rang out in the room as the door to my cell swung open. The man I saw earlier walked in, a demented smile plastered on his face.

"I thought I recognized you. Huntress huh? Now what's a child of Antegian Davis doing poking around a fellow Hunter's Compound?"

"This is not Hunter's Compound," I spat my face twisting into a snarl. The man's eye darkened to an almost impossible level. Soon the pieces started to fit together. I knew exactly where I was. I hadn't meant to come within a hundred miles of his hunting grounds. I should have known it was a trap. My partner had warned me about him. I should have listened. Now there was no way out.

"It was a trap," my voice was small, as a stared at the man standing in front of me.

"We heard there were people... Investigating in the area. You'd be surprised at what someone's willing to do of the price is right."

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