We Can't Keep the Peace

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When Harper made her way to her small campsite, she found the lean-to knocked over and her fire pit scattered. The dirt around the camp was full of shallow boot prints. The angel faced men were definitely here. And it looked like they had been searching for something. Harper put a bet that they didn't find whatever it was they were looking for seeing as she didn't have anything that would even remotely qualify as worth the trouble.

As Harper walked over to the edge of the river, listening to the rushing water, her back went rigid. She didn't turn around as she felt a hand grip her shoulder, still looking out to the other side of the river.

"What do you want?" She asked flatly, surprising herself at the lack of emotion in her voice. It had been a bit of time since she had talked to someone else and somehow she knew it hadn't been much different before she lost her memories.

The person behind her spoke, it was the same 'I mean business' voice that she knew the 'organization' agents used. "What do you think? You're coming with us. If you resist, we will have no choice but to engage." At that comment Harper finally turned around to be head-to-chest with one of the 'angel-faced' men. She took a peek behind him and saw four others standing militantly in a row.

'So I was right in the assumption that there were others,' Harper thought wryly as she stared at the different variations of angelic faces painted into each mask. A few had streaked red marks on them, indicating that they had gone on another 'mission' before their current one now.

Harper felt some liquid run out of her nose. She raised her hand and wiped it off and was momentarily confused. She saw a smudge of red on her knuckle as well as two hands attached to the same wrist.

"Thaz weird. I coulda swern there wuz only one hand on my erm," Harper slurred out, feeling more than slightly unbalanced. The corner of her eye caught the man closest to her backing up. She took a step toward him and felt the world do a cartwheel before her back fell onto a hard surface and her clothes got mud on them.

As her environment slowly faded to black Harper thought, 'Huh, guess I'll have to wash those later."

In-between the Real Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن