New Person

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Harper woke up handcuffed to a metal table on the most uncomfortable chair she had ever sat on. Since she had her head face down on the cold surface of the table she decided to assess her situation before someone realized she was awake. Luckily, there seemed to be no one in the room as she couldn't hear any breathing other than her own. That left the two standing possibilities of her being on a surveillance camera or there being a hidden window somewhere.

Harper attempted to sneak a peek at what the room looked like but was disappointed to find that the brunette hair she had left in a ponytail until now had been taken out. Her hair fanned a little bit away from her face, making it into a curtain she was unable to see through. Unwilling to move due to the risk of alerting a guard but still curious to see what her surroundings looked like, Harper raised her head to take a look. As if on cue, a beep was heard overhead and two armed guards (with their now trade-marked angel masks) opened a door behind her and marched into her line of sight.

A shorter man with blond hair slicked to the side followed behind them and slid onto the stool across from Harper. He was wearing a dark gray v-neck shirt with a red suit jacket over it and black pants. It sounded like he was wearing tap shoes by the way they clicked against the floor. Harper couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips at the thought of this little man attempting to tap dance. It was an amusing idea.

"What are you smirking at? Huh? Well? Spit it out! I don't want to have to sit here and watch that," the blond at the end of the table snapped. His accompanying guards had positioned themselves to the direct left and right of Harper.

Harper chuckled slightly and asked, "Have you ever considered taking up tap dancing?"

The guard to the left of Harper, gave her a smack on the side of her head as the shortie across from her scoffed, "No, never. Why do you always ask that same question every time we meet?"

"Your shoes," Harper said flatly, getting a little hopeful. The man had mentioned that she had asked him that same question before. This allowed Harper an opportunity. This guy had known her before she washed up on the riverbank. Maybe he could answer some of her questions. And if she was careful, no one would ever know she was missing her memories.

"Well Ms. I'm-Too-Good-To-Converse-With-You-Peasants, not everyone who wears these shoes actually do tap-dancing." The man remarked with contempt.

"Wha-" Harper was thrown back into reality, "I never said that!"

"Well you sure acted like it. You never talked with anyone else and always insisted on doing things on your own. And now I understand why," Now it was the man's turn to smirk, "You're a traitor."

And then it hit her.

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