How could you?

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Hennessy's POV:

So me and Marinette have been friends for a month now and I think it's time for me to mess up her and Luka's relationship. I got to school early and seen Luka with his friends. I went up to him and said we needed to talk. I dragged him away from his friends and then I texted Marinette and told her to hurry up and she said that she was almost here. So that means I had to act fast. I was in the locker rooms with Luka and I told him. 

"You know I can't keep your secret for long."

 "Please Hennessy you can't tell anyone what you saw." He said.

 "I know it would break Marinette's heart." I said making a sad face. "You know I love Marinette and wouldn't do anything to hurt her." He said. " Think I'm going to tell her. " I said looking at my nails. "Please don't I'll do anything." He begged. "Kiss me." I said looking up at him. " What. I can't kiss you your Marinette's friend. " he said. "Kiss me right now or else I'm telling her. " I said acting like I was walking away. "Ok ok just please don't tell Marinette." he said trying to stop me from leaving. "I won't tell if don't tell." I said leaning in to kiss him. 

We were kissing for 2 minutes till I heard. "WHAT THE FUCK!!" After I heard that I turned to see Marinette. "Mari it's not what it looks like. " Luka said. "Really cause it looks like you and Hennessy were just kissing". After a few minutes of no one saying anything Marinette ran out of the locker rooms. "Mari wait." Luka said running after her. 

When they both left Chloe came out hiding. "Did you get all of it." I asked. " Yes I'm posting it now. " she said looking down at her phone. "Great now I need to go find Marinette." I said " Ok meet me in the back of the school today. " she said. And with that I walked out looking for Mari.

Luka's POV:

I was chasing after Marinette but when she ran into her house I stopped cause she locked the door. "Please Mari listen to me. It didn't mean anything to me. I'm sorry I didn't mean it. Please I don't love her I love you." I said she didn't respond. "I'm sorry." I said one last time before leaving. This is all Hennessy fault. I wish I never met that bitch.

Marinette's POV:

I was almost at school when I got a text from Hennessy saying hurry up I told her I was almost there. When I got to school I didn't see Luka but I seen his friends so I went up to them. "Hey guys, y'all seen Luka." I asked. " Um..yea he was here a couple of minutes ago then Hennessy came up to him and said they needed to talk and then they walked off to the locker rooms. " One of Luka's friends said. "Ok thanks." I said walking to the locker rooms. 

When I got there I heard Luka say. "Ok just please don't tell Marinette." And then Hennessy said "I won't tell if you don't. " Then I saw them kiss and it shocked me at first I stood there frozen for like 2 minutes then my month said. "WHAT THE FUCK!!" Then they both looked at me. I felt like I was going to throw up. "Mari it's not what it looks like." Luka said to me. "Really cause it looks like you and Hennessy were just kissing." I said. 

Was this the reason he kept leaving early on our dates for the last month. I couldn't believe it so I just ran home and locked my self in my room all day. I heard Luka at my front door I didn't want to talk to him or Hennessy or anyone. "I am so going to kill him." Tikki said. I laughed a little cause I never seen her so mad before. " It's ok Tikki you don't have to do that I'll be fine as long as I'm with you. " I said holding her close. "Marinette you don't have to go to school tomorrow if you don't want to." Tikki said. "Yea I think I need a day off from Luka and Hennessy." I said. Just then I got a text from Adrien.

Adrien 🐈: Hey Mari I heard what happened are you ok?

Mari 😇: How did you hear about it just happened???

Adrien 🐈: Chloe recorded the whole thing 

Mari 😇: Great just great and yea I'm fine I just need to get my mind off of things

Adrien 🐈: Can I come over?

Mari 😇: After school? Yea

Adrien 🐈: No I mean rn

Mari 😇: What no you can't skip school

Adrien 🐈: It's ok Mari I'll do anything for you

Mari 😇: Ok then see you when you get here

Adrien 🐈: Ok

Hey guys I am said to say this book is coming to an end soon but don't worry I might make a part 2 to this book it depends if I'm still alive cause I feel like y'all gone kill me the way this story ends. But I hope I make y'all mad to lol but thanks for reading see you tomorrow 🎶

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