I trust him

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Marinette's POV:

When the movie was over Luka walked me home. When we got to my house we went in my room. " Why ever time I come to your house your mom and dad is not here." Luka said sitting on my bed. "That's because my mom and dad are on a world tour." I said sitting down next to him. "Cool, why didn't you go with them?" he asked. "Well let's just say If I went with them me and you wouldn't be together." I said. "and pulse I have school." 

"True." he said laying his head on my lap. "So what do you what do now?" I asked him. "I don't know. What do you want to do?" he asked back. "Well I'm hunger let's make some food." I said trying to move his head off me. "Ok come." Luka said getting up. 

 When we got into the kitchen I jumped on counter. " So what do you want to make my beautiful queen." Luka said standing in between my legs. "Um...Let's make pasta."I said pushing him back before he could kiss me. "Wow so I can't kiss you anymore." he said stepping closer to me again. "Not if you want to eat." I said jumping off the counter and getting the a pot and a pan out. ( idk how to make pasta I think you need a pot and a pan to do so yea.)

(Time skip to after making the food)

When the food was ready went back into my room and sat on my bed looking for a movie to watch. "Let's watch To All The Boys I've Loved Before." I said eating my pasta. "Ok." As me and Luka are eating and watching the movie luka gets a text. "Who is that?" I said looking up at him. "No one just my mom." he said as he replied to the text. "Um... look bae I have to go I'll see tomorrow at bye." he said kissing me then leaving. "That was weird." Tikki said coming out of my bag. "I know right he's been doing that a lot now. Leaving our dates early but I trust Luka he just needed to be home or something." I said trying not to think of anything crazy. "Yea your right now let's get you to bed you have school tomorrow." I got ready for I told Tikki goodnight went into my bed put the covers over me. I was almost  asleep when I got a text from Luka.

Luka🎶: Hey Mari I'm sorry I ran off like that mom needed me at home

Mari❤: It's okay I hope everything at home is alright.

Luka🎶: Yea everything is find

Mari❤: okay well see you tomorrow bye.

Luka🎶: bye

I turned my phone off and went to sleep I hope he is not doing me wrong.

Hey guys so I know i didn't post yesterday so that why im posting on the weekend i hope you like my book i working really hard on it. I feel like I should tell you my posting time. I post on Monday-Friday and on weekends i edited and fix mistakes I made in the week so that means I'll see you on Monday bye sksksksksks ok let stop..........bye.🐞🎶

P.S why do you think Luka left so fast???? It surly can't be because of little old Hennessy lol just wait till Monday to find out.🐞🎶

I want you but I'm to broken insideKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat