We can be friends if you wanna be (k-12)

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Marinette POV:

I wake up to someone kissing my neck. "Good morning beautiful." Luka said still kissing my neck. "Good morning." Then he stop kissing my neck. "Come on we have school today." I didn't want to get up back I did. I asked him where was his boxer, pants, shirts ,and shoes. She showed me and I got everything I need and I went to the bathroom and took a shower. When I was done I looked like Luka if he was a girl. When I came out Luka was staring at me. "Like what you see?" I asked. "Yes I do very much." He said kissing me. "Come let's go." I said. " Ok let me go get Juleka . " He said walking out of his room. "Ok let's go Mari." Luka yells. "Coming."

(Time skip)

I was at my locker and I seen Alya and I went up to her. "Hey Alya I have been thinking and we can be friends if you wanna be and you can try to earn my trust back." I said to her. "Really oh my gosh thank you Marinette I missed you so much I'm so sorry." she said hugging me. I hugged her back and the bell rung and we walked to class together catching up with each other. "So looks like you have a boyfriend. " she said to me. "No I don't, I mean we like each other but hasn't even asked me out yet, we haven't even said I love you to each other I said walking backwards.  

"Yea but your wearing his clothes." 

"Shut up."

 As I was talking and walking backwards into class Alya stopped and the this huge smile on her face. "What Alya?" She didn't answer me. I walked up to her. "Alya what is it?" She put her hands on me and slowly turned me around. When I saw what she was looking I had the biggest smile on my face. Then I started blush when I seen.......

Come back tomorrow to see what she saw. Sorry this is short I'm just sleepy you with school and stuff 🐞🎶

I want you but I'm to broken insideМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя