Chapter 2

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When we looked over we saw him turning a darker blue his iris' vanishing and a dark aura surrounding him and by the looks on his muzzle and his smirk at the dumbfounded kraang we thought that the kraang assumed he wasn't going to go into a form but I guess he proved them wrong then we heard " Never try to unbalance the chaos inside us or we will kill you but I guess you will be destroyed eh we want you gone so bye." The dark form of the hedgehog said. Then he disappeared when we went to turn around we saw him appear behind us going back to normal then he noticed us and he looked at us and " I'm guessing you know the way out of here? *we nodded * So where to so I can get us there?." The hedgehog asked us when we realized they can't go back to there planet Leo looked at them and " To New York City Sewers ." Leo answered. The hedgehog looked at tails and nodded at him and he touched his shoulder then Tails looked at us and " Grab onto him so that we can follow you because Sonic has a way to get us out of there fast because he does not want to see these creeps because they ticked him off to much which will result in a powerful chaos blast and anger going through him and then we will stop them from touching and getting a hold of the chaos emeralds because he needs them with him before they get them and he can be at full strength in which he will go into a hibernation of some sort and get charged with chaos energy and he senses that being with you will up charging his chaos energy and the reason he isn't talking is because when he is low on chaos energy he loses his voice and can't talk until he has a normal percentage of chaos energy." Tails explained. After Tails said we all grabbed the hedgehog once he was sure everyone was holding on the hedgehog seemed to look straight ahead and then we vanished from the kraang base to the New York sewers close to our home we told them to wait here but when we arrived the Hedgehog named Sonic collapsed then we realised he used a lot of energy to transport us here then when we were walking away we heard a voice say "Sonic I know you are fine but lay down please they think you are going to pass out but if you do they can't touch you remember I know you are ok and that you are fine but can you feel the chaos emeralds right now. I told you now lay down you have to run I know to regain that energy you lost from not running and staying still it's a good thing I brought my speed regenerator so that you can run and still stay still. Yes I know I am setting it up right now be patient yes I know you want me to hurry up so you can regenerate your energy. There now you can restore your energy just remember to take it easy at first then start to accelerate faster until you fill at the normal level for you which is very high even higher than shadow's chaos level. I know you don't like him because he thinks that black doom gave him his immortality and his chaos abilities. I know you have tried to be friends with him and that he has no clue how it feels to be alone for over a thousand years and having to watch people die and watching your first friend be killed and having nothing to do and to fight your first friend's thousandth descendent and wonder how it came to him taking the wrong path and becoming a villain. 

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